MovieChat Forums > Gina Carano Discussion > Her agency has now dropped her

Her agency has now dropped her

This is what cancel culture does. Her acting career is now over. Well done all you vile Twitter morons.

Just wait until the mob comes for you. Be carfeful what you post now.

This will only get worse and worse.

Her final tweet has proven her point perfectly.


Thats a shame. All these canceled celebs should support each other and start a movement together,and also doing projects together etc. it could work because they are starting to be many celebs!


When everyone is cancelled, no one is cancelled.


Exactly! And the recent news that she is doing a project with Ben Shapiro goes in that direction ^^


No one had a gun to her head forcing her to say things that she should be intelligent enough to realise would cause backlash. Just like the Dixie Chicks’ Natalie Maines wasn’t forced to say that she was ashamed to come from the same state as George W. Bush. She had herself to blame for the damage it did to her career.

Stop making a martyr out of a loudmouth.


They had plans to give her a spin off. She dug this hole. I say this as someone who likes her.


There was nothing inappropriate about what she tweeted. She did not disparage or threaten anyone. All she did was draw an insightful parallel between historical events and the modern day.


And that parallel was twisted in something she never said.

I bet that at least half of her accusers never even read her tweets. Or are plainly illiterate ...


They are naturally bad faith. Bad faith without and independent thought. That's why these crazies are so dangerous, they literally do not care about their insane hypocrisy.


This is the culmination of inflammatory posts over months.

I have found several of her posts to be questionable, but to hear her talk about them afterwards and explaining her point, they aren't so bad. If you just read her posts, some of them are pretty offensive.

As for the comparisons from history and today, I'm not sure that I personally see it. There are plenty of conservatives who are not being "cancelled" You can disagree, that's fine, but to say that to make her point Carano wasn't riling people up is just disingenuous.


Nothing she has tweeted was offensive, nothing.

Please post these offensive tweets so we can see.

Offense can only be taken, never given.


This latest one that got her fired. To compare what is happening to those getting kicked off of social media for posting false information, because that's who was deleted, to people who were round up and then mass murdered is offensive. There are many other ways she could have made the point she was trying to make.

Her post on pronouns, without her explanation, (and even with) came across as offensive and downright rude.

Sure people didn't have to take offense to them, but when they know someone is insulting them, or making fun of something that they take very seriously, they have a right to be offended.

She poked the bear. You can admire her for that. I still like her. But she kept poking. It was probably the hill she chose to die on, and I can admire that, but a person has to know what their employer stands for. If they cut ties with her for the spin off, and were looking for a reason to fire her, you have to know that she was warned that her social media posts were not appreciated at her job. She chose to lose her job.


". To compare what is happening to those getting kicked off of social media for posting false information, because that's who was deleted, to people who were round up and then mass murdered is offensive. There are many other ways she could have made the point she was trying to make."

There is all kinds of wrong in that statement and I am growing weary of pointing this out.

1) More is happening to populist/nationalists than just getting kicked off twitter. the authoritarian left is trying to dehumanize and and ostracized much in the same way the Nazis did to the Jews before Kristallnacht
2) Related to #1, she did not compare it to the Holocaust, but to events that led up to the Holocaust.
3) Why should she have chosen another way when there was nothing wrong with the way she did choose?

It is terrifying to think that tweet, which did not disparage or threated anyone, served as grounds for having her career ruined. You need not worry about this as I don't think you will ever express an opinion that the powers that be disapprove of, but free thinkers out there need to be concerned.


It wasn't just that post.

That's the point.

I do have concerns about cancel culture. But free speech does not protect you against private companies.

Authoritarianism really isn't just a leftist quality. Please take a lot at the USA's last president.


Yes, exactly! I felt the same way when Roseanne was fired for sharing a racist comment online. I was really excited about her show returning and being such a hit because I like her (despite being on completely different pages politically) and the show. If she’d only realised that some viewpoints should be kept to yourself she could have had a proper comeback, but it seemed more important for her to use her celebrity as a political microphone. Sad and unnecessary really.


She was fired after just one tweet. Carano had several chances.


So now if you say something that someone else doesn't agree with you should be fired??

Do you even hear yourself???


If you say something extremely loud and in public (which celebrity social media posts are) that goes against your company brand; yes. If you or I or anyone here did it we would probably get fired as well. Just ask Justine Sacco.


You do realise that Pedro Pascal did excatly the same thing in tweets and nothing has happened to him, don't care if you haven't seen it, it happened.

He said Republicans are Nazis, he said american migrant camps are like concetration camps but he is fine. Why is it ok for him to do it but not her.

Also why are you defending Disney who worked alongside Xinjiang security services that overlooks Uighurs Muslims in concetration camps when filming Mulan? Do you also agree with that. I repeat actual real concetratin camps right now in China. Disney thanked them for their help and services.

Why do agree that a woman should be fired for expressing her opinion. The tweet was not offensive, was not enacting violence, was not sexist or racist or anything, why do agree with her firing.

You are abhorant if you agree with it all, people like you are the problem.

She has lost her acting career because of morons like you. Unless you also find Pedro Pascal and others that have done the exact same thing then you are an absolute hypocritee of the highest order and I will no longer converse wth you.

Lucasfilm and Disney employees attack fans regularly with sexist and racist remarks but go unpunished. Twitter blue checkmarks attack and abuse anyone who doesn't follow the narrative with death threats, vulgar language, doxxing, i've seen death threats to peoples children. That goes unpunished because they have the right pronouns.


Are you talking to me? Look, I don’t mind if you don’t want to converse with me because I think Carano was an idiot for shooting herself in the foot. I completely abhor cancel culture but yes, I do think both her, Pascal and any other actor who thinks their profession gives them special privilege to make inflammatory comments should expect any backlash they get.

But it’s ok, I’ll try to live without conversing with someone I didn’t even know existed until this discussion. It’ll be tough, but I’ll do my best.


Thank You but I'm disinclined to acquiesce your request to reply.


And yet you replied! Seriously though, it wasn’t a request, just saying it’s ok if you can’t handle an opposing viewpoint and immediately go to the “I’m blocking you” response which to me is just as mature as sticking your fingers in your ears and shouting “nah nah nah not listening!!”

I don’t think Carano should have lost her job but I think she was naive if she thought that wasn’t a definite possibility. That’s all 🤷‍♂️


Thank You but I'm disinclined to acquiesce your request to reply.


Hah! Ok. I respect your disinclination to acquiesce my request to reply... twice.

Long live Gina and her Nazi referencing tweets ✊


Thank you for an excuse to block you.

Nazi referencing tweets

So you are also a liar as well.


You’re more than welcome pal. So she didn’t mention Nazis in the tweet that broke the camel’s back? My mistake.


What Natalie Maines said pales by comparison. Comparing being this new wave of Republican to what the Jews endured as a result of persecution, dehumanization, imprisonment, and lastly mass execution is nothing like the Trump wing of the GOP. Bush lied about hos reasons for going to war in Iraq and he was called out for it. But here's the thing, while I have many issues with Bush, I as a staunch Liberal can see vast differences between he and Trump. Bush43 was an actual president. Trump is a menace and and anyone who supported this is complicit. Those in The Lincoln Project are former Republicans who denounced him and the GOP for their latching onto this Trumpism. These people denounced him. I respect each and every one of them. Ones like Carano, Jon Voight, Kirk Cameron, Kirstie Alley, et al are just as deranged as he is. They are not the old wing of the GOP. They are an offshoot if a dangerous, virulent wing that needs to be shut down. I supported Carano through the pronouns debacle, but this is too much. She sank herself.


but this is too much. She sank herself

What did she do? I'm genuinly curious. What did she do that meant she should lose her acting acting career. Not job, her whole career.

Please inform us.


She hasn't lost her whole career. I'm sure she can get acting jobs in her buddies films. She's lost ONE job and her agency. I'm sure there is an agency out there for people like her who support what she does. It's just mainstream Hollywood has told her that her comments are unacceptable. She's free to continue her whole career.


You aren't very well educated about jews in the early years before WWII. The nazis didn't start killing jews in the beginning that came towards the end. The early years wad pretty much what the cancel culture is doing now. If Pedo-Joe and the dems take away the guns then rounding up conservatives for re-education or death could follow.


Pedo-Joe? That’s a bit inflammatory. What makes you brand him a pedo? Is it his long standing association with notorious pedophile Jeffrey Epstein? Weird, I thought that was the other guy.

And were you this against cancel culture when radio stations were banning the Dixie Chick’s records because they spoke out against Bush? Or do you only care when it’s conservatives that are being canceled?


Pedo-Joe because he's always groping little girls when he gets a chance at photo ops. You can find the videos of him doing it all over the internet, although Youtube usually takes them down to try and protect Pedo-Joe when they see one.

As for the Dixie Chicks... I didn't give flip what they said. Nor were they they cancelled by any record label. They suffered a backlash from their fans. Did you see people cancelling their Disney + subscriptions because of what Gina said? No. At most you got a few rabid twitter cunts firing off hate. The sad thing is the liberal companies seems to cater to that sliver of twitter cunts as if they were representative of the population as a whole... They aren't. Most people don't give a shit what a celebrity says or does in their private life. I don't see liberals shunning Woody Allen or Roman Polanski movies when those two pervert are far more dangerous than Gina is... I see a lot of hypocrisy in this... and that's what offends me. Frankly I didn't like her character and thought she was too fat for the part. If they had fired her for being too fucking fat I would have said good for them. But that isn't why they fired her. They fired her for having an opinion they didn't like and that's pathetic.


As a conservative I have to agree with you. If I was a big time actor or a well known figure aside from a politician, I would keep my mouth shut as far as my beliefs. I know that many folks keep these people in high regard. I wouldn't want to alienate part of my fan base.


Ahh, so "Shut up and act". Gotcha.

That's not what the mob tells the lefty loons in Pedowood.


Yes - the "Shut up and act". I don't hold celebrities in the high regard that many people do. They have no influence on my personal beliefs. I enjoy watching many actors from both sides of the political spectrum. They can believe whatever they want. I respect them as actors and that's as far as it goes.


The lefty opinions are always regurgitated MSM bullshit. That's why they get the "shut up and act".

Gina actually has a point, the left do act like nazis.


Thank you for reading my words with an open mind. Very refreshing, that!

Yes, absolutely, the nature of showbiz is to appeal to everyone and if your extreme left or right views make you a divisive figure than it’s to be expected that your boss is going to try to mitigate their own financial damage by firing your ass.

I wish Gina absolutely no ill will and hopefully for her fans once the dust settles she can get on with entertaining them again. Much like Mel Gibson who seems to be getting work and respect again, despite his divisive actions in the past. As a fan of his work I love seeing him again, even if he has views that turn my stomach a bit.


In a sane world she'd say something and others would say "No, I think you are wrong and here's why...", and others would say "No, actually she is right because..."
And that would be the end of it - a true diversity. The diversity of thought and opinions.
But totalitarian ideologies tolerate no dissent or competition. All opposition must be crushed. There is no dialogue because they are certain their side is GOOD and TRUE.
A cult, basically.


Lots of Celebs spill their guts on social media. Why Hasn't Evan Rachel Wood been cancelled?


Disney let Pascal tweet comparing Conservatives to Nazis more than once. The hypocrisy and double standard is incredible!

I sure hope when the tables are turned, all these wretched cancel culture freaks get a taste of their own medicine..


It's because what Pascal said is true. What Carano said is not true. There is no one on the Left calling for her to be chased through the street to be attacked. She brought this on herself. This Trump wing of the GOP is Nationalism pure and simple. Dehumanizing other people in order to feel justified in taking some sort of high ground is exactly like 1933 Berlin. Caging kids, removing all protections on civil liberties, the law by installing lackeys to rule against the Constitution is in and of itself Nationalism. So no Pascal and Carano's tweets are way apart in the gulf. She had a chance to walk back her comments, but chose not to. I wish her well, I truly do. But to think she's a victim of, and I loathe this term "Cancel Culture", is making her not responsible for her own words. And I would say the same thing in the Left. I cannot stomach Ocasio Cortez and I wish she'd take her Bernie loving heart and shut up. If she said something similar, I would expect the same for her that happened to Carano.


It's because what Pascal said is true

So Republicans are Nazis and migrant camps are the same as Jewish concentration camps which by the way the photo used was from a soup kitchen in 2010. You don't even know a lie before you see it.

There is no one on the Left calling for her to be chased through the street to be attacked

Really what about the literal thousands of tweets hashtagging fireginacorano. Also the trending on Twitter is manually done, it is not an automatic process. SO Twitter had that trendig all day. For what purpose I might add.

Caging kids

Which Obama also did. Did you forget that Seems to be.

So no Pascal and Carano's tweets are way apart in the gulf.

Straight up lie and proves you are a hypocrite

She had a chance to walk back her comments

Why? Her tweet is absolutely right.

is making her not responsible for her own words

But it is ok for Pedro Pascal to call half of Americans Nazis and migrant camps are like concetration camps which again is a straight up lie.

You are a hypocrite if you are defending Pedro Pascal and aying Gina Corano had it coming. Her tweets were not offensive, didn't encite vioence, they were not anti-semetic, racist or sexist. She has now lost her acting career and Pedro gets a new role in a TV Show. Rules seem very different if you vote the right way.


Joe Biden's brother literally built the cages.


She absolutely told the truth. And what she said is absolutely starting to happen in the US.


There is no one on the Left calling for her to be chased through the street to be attacked.

Not literally. But in capitalism ending someone's career just for making use of free speech is pretty close. If free speech is only granted for left opinions - well, that's really close to fascism.


Alllll for telling the truth.

We're doomed.


Gina Carano will be IMPEACHED by Congress and then crucified.


The (sadly) funniest part of it is that they're proving more and more that her tweets were completely right...


Mob can never come for me since I don't use twitter or facebook (actually I do but they're throwaway accounts). Can't cancel someone that has no profile of themselves :P. Always make one account for yourself and one dummy account so u can freely express your feelings on the interwebs.


I wish I could be that optimistic. Getting cancelled these days seems a bit too easy, no? I would not be surprised (but would be angry) if cancel cultists started making impostor accounts of people they dislike, and their targets get fired anyway. This might not work with high profile celebrities, at least not at first. This is getting crazy, twitter staff does petty things like take your blue check away before banning you. They could take that, then impersonate you, cancel you, then ban you.

With regular people like me, they just make a fake account, say some bigoted things, boom! Fired. Sucks, it really does.
