It's because what Pascal said is true
So Republicans are Nazis and migrant camps are the same as Jewish concentration camps which by the way the photo used was from a soup kitchen in 2010. You don't even know a lie before you see it.
There is no one on the Left calling for her to be chased through the street to be attacked
Really what about the literal thousands of tweets hashtagging fireginacorano. Also the trending on Twitter is manually done, it is not an automatic process. SO Twitter had that trendig all day. For what purpose I might add.
Caging kids
Which Obama also did. Did you forget that Seems to be.
So no Pascal and Carano's tweets are way apart in the gulf.
Straight up lie and proves you are a hypocrite
She had a chance to walk back her comments
Why? Her tweet is absolutely right.
is making her not responsible for her own words
But it is ok for Pedro Pascal to call half of Americans Nazis and migrant camps are like concetration camps which again is a straight up lie.
You are a hypocrite if you are defending Pedro Pascal and aying Gina Corano had it coming. Her tweets were not offensive, didn't encite vioence, they were not anti-semetic, racist or sexist. She has now lost her acting career and Pedro gets a new role in a TV Show. Rules seem very different if you vote the right way.