MovieChat Forums > Gina Carano Discussion > No evidence of voter fraud.

No evidence of voter fraud.

Sorry, Gina.

"No evidence of US election fraud, says coalition of federal and state officials

Presidential poll was the most secure ever, says statement from cybersecurity experts, in clearest repudiation yet of Donald Trump’s claims"

"The Times Called Officials in Every State: No Evidence of Voter Fraud

The president and his allies have baselessly claimed that rampant voter fraud stole victory from him. Officials contacted by The Times said that there were no irregularities that affected the outcome."

"State officials say they're baffled, offended by false election claims
No state has validated President Trump's claims of "rigged" election."

'More claims of wrongdoing, still no evidence: Trump asks judge to throw out questioned ballots or the entire election in Pennsylvania"

"US election officials: 'No evidence' of voter fraud

US election officials found no proof of compromised voting systems and no evidence of "deleted or lost votes." The statement came on the heels of renewed and baseless claims of manipulation from President Donald Trump."


So you are taking newspapers of proof that nothing happened. Good plan.

We get it, you don't like her. Still waiting for proof of everything you posted on the last thread you started.

Nothing above is evidence of fraud or if fraud didn't happen.

Unless you have personally talked to the people countng the votes then you cannot say one way or another if fraud has been commited.

On a personal level wouldn't you want a fraud free election no matter who wins or are you happy to get rid of Trump knowing you have a corrupt government.


"Unless you have personally talked to the people...."
my reposes include:
-If thats the only way "proof" happens those people are going to be real busy personally talking to all 300 million americans

-and also how do those people know?

-this basically means you will never accept anything as proof

-that statement is the equivalent of you going "la la la , i cant hear you "

nope, i just cant think of anything to convey how mindbogglingy moronic your statement is
Unless you have personally talked to the people countng the votes then you cannot say one way or another if fraud has been commited.



I don't live in the country, i honestly don't care. I'm just pointing out that the the above poster keeps claiming things about Gina Carano without evidence. I have no idea if fraud has been commited or not but he is the one throwing around accusations against someone he has never met, even calling her fat (see other thread) without any concrete evidence.

So unless he was there or part of the counting in someway all he is doing is repeating Twitter and MSM which doesn't help anyone.

"that statement is the equivalent of you going "la la la , i cant hear you " = no it really isn't. Every newspaper and media outlet basically hates Trump and will do anything to see him gone. They will not report on anything that doesn't make him look an idiot. So they are always going to say that no fraud has been commited as they are bias towards Biden so any evidence based on those outlets cannot be used.

Again, I don't even live in the country but i just find it amusing that poeple are happy to see Trump go even if there is a 1% chance of some sort of discrepancy be it fraud or human error. That cannot be right and "Yes" should be investigated no matter the outcome otherwise how can you say that the vote was democratic.


"So they are always going to say that no fraud has been commited"

Newspapers slant this way or that , but they stop short of illegal coverup operations.

Dont you think Trump and co would have produced some sorta evidence , beyond wild rambling
and Iwon! iwon! like a little crybaby

For me , the real kicker for all this is that Trump promised he would start these insane shenanigans months before the election saying
"If I dont win , its because the election is fixed"

What sort of person says that? , oh except pathalocly egotistical liars

I've not even heard a *suggestion* of what the alleged method of cheating might be?
All I heard was Trump saying "My fans have voted on the day, thats all counted , we can stop counting now because all those postal votes arnt voting for me" . Amazing

I too , am not American and watching from the sidelines , so just enjoying the circus really.


"So you are taking newspapers of proof that nothing happened."

Literally the headline of the first article I posted. I even capitalized the important part for you:

"No evidence of US election fraud, says coalition of FEDERAL AND STATE OFFICIALS"

"Unless you have personally talked to the people countng the votes then you cannot say one way or another if fraud has been commited."

You're next-level stupid, my man.


coalition of federal and state officials - coalition?

Have you read the Great Barrington Declaration? That too is a coalition of sorts, only the media ridicules it because it goes against the mainstream narrative. Do you support that coalition as well?


So a celebrity might not know what they're talking about?



Neither does our "President", whom she is parroting.




You seemed to care when it was her. Now it's "ok", LOL.


I really don't care what actors think/say when it comes to their craft. Many artists were horrible people in their personal lives.

I can still watch Cara Dune. I can also still watch Cliff Huxtable, Reverend Camden, Martin Riggs, Roseanne Conner, etc.


People have been charged with voter fraud...

I think what some room temperature IQ people are mixing up is voter fraud and widespread voter fraud.
