Great actor

I think he is great in the 100, he got no aussie accent at all , and makes his character three dimensional. He seems to be the negative character but is still likable , even more than the writers intended.


I think he is the best actor in The 100. Everybody would hate Bellamy if he didn't play him so well.


I think he has a long way to go before he can be called "great actor" but nonetheless easily outshines everyone else in the 100

Anyone who has ever read any spoilers,
knows that Winter Is Coming


I agree. He's fantastic. I think his charisma, skill and frankly, his amazing VOICE, makes the character Bellamy a lot more complex than the screenwriters did. He's electrifying and really REALLY charismatic. His portrayal of Bellamy, even with the character's major flaws, is a natural born leader.

Go figure that one of the 'best actors' on a TV show about supposedly American Teenagers (with kids from other parts of the station who were supposed to be from other 'countries) would be an Australian.

I think the UK, Australia, New Zealand crank out better actors who play Americans, than we Americans do!

Dr. Kila Marr was right. Kill the Crystalline Entity.


I first saw him in "Road kill" [2010]. but do like him in the 100 also

Rob Zombie is one of the greatest directors today


Yes, definitely has a way to go but the best of the original The 100 who landed on earth (Octavia annoys me no end). He manages to make Bellamy sympathetic and has the audience cheering for him to find happiness.

He should look at doing some other work, perhaps trying to join some British films or shows, as they produce some really interesting shows etc and their seasons are shorter than the US shows.


What a lousy actor - unconvincing and lame in The 100.


So I'm not the only one...every time he goes on one of his rants or makes a speech to try to round up everyone, he's not convincing at all.
