Why are people against her appearing in the Super Bowl?
I don't have any problems with that.
shareIt'S aLl A lIbErAl CoNsPiRaCy!!!!
shareThey should've just had her perform in the 1/2 Time Show and make it complete and call it the Taylor Bowl
sharewhy do people care either way? rhetorical
shareWhat I can't understand is why anybody gives a rat's festered ass whether she's there or not. If she wants to see a football game, so what? I don't give a shit where she is or isn't.
shareIf the TV is telling me to love something, it's the devil. (jet fuel can't melt steel beams)
shareGive it a rest. The jet fuel did not have to melt the steel. Everyone else knows that the strength of steel goes down as the temperature rises.
shareHow about a blacksmith then? 13M views!
For the undying 9/11 MORONIC JET FUEL ARGUMENT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzF1KySHmUA
So explain how the two towers were rigged with explosives. In order to implode a building it takes many explosives, thousands of feet of cables, weeks to set things up, and walls must be torn open to access those steel beams. In order to down these buildings there would need to be explosives from top to bottom. If all that was going on don't you think at least one person out of thousands would notice and say something. I get it, you're not very bright.
shareThe camera cut to her many times throughout the Super Bowl for reaction shots. Long-standing football fans who are interested in the game itself often find these tiresome and become resentful. Why, they ask, should a pop star’s activities away from the field command our attention? Most of those in the audience are not her fans, after all, and half of the audience is rooting against the team she favors. Cutaways to Taylor celebrating the Chief’s successes are like repeated slaps in the faces of the opposing teams’ fans.
shareBecause she's dating a football player from the Chiefs and so naturally, she's going to end up commanding attention and that includes also if this relationship ever ends and she writes a song about it and makes more $$$$$ off of it
shareTwelve shots of Taylor during the course of the game — someone counted — is a lot by any standard and many will say excessive. Lots of people watching, it seems, were rolling their eyes after the first few. Unless CBS is part of a conglomerate that also owns Taylor’s record lable, it will not share in the proceeds of her future recordings.
shareAnd better get ready, because she's also going to have a cameo of sorts in DEADPOOL III(I refuse to call it DEADPOOL & THE WOLVERINE)