MovieChat Forums > Taylor Swift Discussion > Why can't Taylor Swift keep a boyfriend?

Why can't Taylor Swift keep a boyfriend?

Are the rumors true that despite her great beauty, she is frigid and either unable or unwilling to satisfy them?


True. He has a history of failed relationships. I wouldn't be surprised if her current relationship fails as well.


She is in real life conservative but goes off dating liberal guys. I suppose she finds them intellectual.


I don't know, nor do I care. I remember reading something years ago about her where an ex of hers said something about her that implied she was fine with kissing and making out, but refused to go further. Whether or not that was accurate is not important.

Does she have bad taste in men? Possibly. I am sure that there are hundreds (if not thousands) of normal, non-celebrity men out there that would treat her like a queen if they were given the opportunity. It's a huge thing (I can't even say "trend" because it has been this way in Hollywood for years), for celebrities to only date other celebrities because they feel that only someone else in "the business" understands what they go through, yet look how many celebrity marriages fail and how many celebrity relationships fail. There are always exceptions to this because there are many Hollywood relationships/marriages that have lasted decades. Maybe it's time for some of these celebrities, male or female, to start looking outside of "the business" for their relationship needs. Maybe there is happiness for them in the common realm.


For some reason, I think she's secretly a lesbian or at least bi.


its pretty normal you find a partner at your work, so celeb+celeb isnt neccessarily by choice. it definitely helps if the partner is used to publicity and papparazzi though.

treating a beautiful girl like a queen is definitely the wrong approach.


I love her. Im the same way.
