Correctly me I'm wrong, but Taylor actually owns the copyrights to the songs, so she can perform them whenever and however she wants. She however, does not own the copyright to the RECORDINGS of the songs, which means she has to get approval to play the recording of the original versions.
She holds the copyrights to the songs, that is true. However she signed a contract with the record label that basically had the record label fronting the money for production of her records and most likely included covering the cost of the studio time and backing musicians and would have included some provisions for them to market and distribute the music when it was completed. In exchange for that, the label would retain the ownership of the master recordings although Taylor would recieve some amount of money for every CD that was sold... However the provisions of the contracts also will include a provision that forbids the artist from rerecording the songs for a set number of years, this was because in the past some artists would rerecord their music as soon as they got a chance to and it would result a major reduction in the value of the master recording that the label owned. So Taylor owns the written music that she created, but is not allowed to record the songs for any commercial purposes for a set number of years which apparently will end in 2020 from what has been in the news. The reason she was not initially allowed to perform on the music awards show is that those awards shows will record the performances and sell them either through streaming or in some cases as a CD, that would have violated the agreement with the label that held the masters. Now most of the time a label will make an exception for the artist to perform on a show like this because they feel it will likely result in an uptick in the sales of the artist's other music which will make the label more money... However in this case it appears that Swift and the label are in a pissing contest so they were initially playing hardball and wanted her to agree to some other provisions before they would give her the exception. As I understand it the exception was finally made for some undisclosed some of money from the producers of the show, but the details were never revealed.
She wasn't misrepresenting the situation but she wasn't providing a full story and was ignoring the fact that everything was in the contract that she signed and which had helped to make her all the money she has made from the music sales to date. So she was basically only telling part of the story to make it look like she was a victim. She wasn't a victim, she just didn't like the terms that she had previous agreed to.
She may have right to her own music. But she has NO RIGHT to publicly humiliate and try to turn people against scooter. That's not sticking up for yourself, that's just being a bully and it's childish.
There are proper ways to handle conflicts like this. If Taylor was really mature, she would have a private conversation with Scooter and work it out like ADULTS. Same goes for every fight, diss, and conflict she ever had.
I suspect that she tried to negotiate her way out of the contract, but she wasn't able to arrive at terms she found acceptable. That happens all the time, and when two parties can't come to agreement it is fair for either one of them to try and win what they wanted in any other way they want. If Scooter had never had any problems with Swift in the past then I would agree that she is in the wrong... but given the past actions of Scooter I can hardly feel any sympathy for him even though I dislike Swift with a passion. He is getting what he deserves... Remember this is the vile fucker that was responsible for Justin Bieber - he should be despised for that horrible act alone... Though I think he has also gotten both Bieber and Kanye West to do thing against Swift that only pissed her off more... In the end I don't feel any sympathy for him. He has a history of acting like a douche bag and now he's paying the price for it. I look at it as karma. He is only lucky he hasn't fucked around with any of the hardcore rappers in the music business or he would likely have been killed by now.