MovieChat Forums > Taylor Swift Discussion > My problem with her

My problem with her

She refuses to grow up. Her attempt to seem ''adult'' is laughable, she has no adult sense of maturity to her (watch her interviews) and no real experience with men. She has been in superficial relationships with them for years and there is always a teenage quality to her break ups in that she puts them in her songs. She doesn't know how to deal with men like a ''woman'', she only knows how to be a girl. She also releases music with a sound made for a teenage demographic.

The ''Look what you made me do'' video from a year and a half ago was like how a 19 year old would convey her frustrations with her identity artistically. It made me laugh so hard. Grow up you are a grown woman.


True! She also doesn't know how to take a joke orrr constructive criticism!


I recall hearing somewhere that a lot of famous people get surrounded by sycophants who never say anything contrary to them. Supposedly, being coddled like this stunts emotional maturity, and a lot of people who become famous in childhood or adolescence remain in that mindset.


Yeah, being coddled does exactly that. I've seen it regular people so I can just imagine with the famous folk....


None of that matters to me.

What does is that is she uniquely untalented, even by today's pop music standards. Her songs are not only insipid and unmelodic, but they're earworms as well.


Agree 100%. Most pop nowadays is pretty dire.
