MovieChat Forums > Michelle Obama Discussion > 26 million bucks placed in bets, odds sl...

26 million bucks placed in bets, odds slashed and now more people bet on mike than biden...

More people are now betting on big mike obama to be the nominee than joe biden.

Bookies have slashed the odds of him being president at never seen before levels,400%20within%20a%20single%20day.

and over 26 million dollars placed in bets in a very short space of time on a big mike ticket.

all planned! i knew it all long! big mike is running! and surely with a cup on to stop that big wang swinging around like a branch in a storm.


I've been saying this for the longest time and was shunned for it, even on this site for suggesting it like I was some Qanon nut.. No one who's barely seen in the MSM comes forward out of nowhere and says "I lie awake at night terrified of what the World will become under a 2nd Term for Trump" and not have an angle or motive behind it.. Only problem is, is that she just jumps right to the head of the line without so much as a debate in a Primary.. Even Trump debated in his 1st term, but no need to after being President and people know where he stands on the issues


it's obvious, but they'll need something to sell it. apart from some cooking shows, big mike hasn't really done anything since 2016, i can see him having an easy time being the front runner for the democrat party, like i say it's all planned. the DNC will have it all planned.

but in the election itself they'll need a game changing event to give big michelle the kind of buzz needed. as crazy as it sounds i think barry could come out as gay, michelle says he's brave, a great husband, father and how "she" stands by him.

this acts as a distraction, because think about it, it would be huge. biden says he's not running for a second term and her "humility, braveness and understanding" turn her into some progressive saint. the democrat nomination isn't even an issue.

and she goes into november with the media still hyping all this up.


I think I just vomited in my mouth at reading this but it wouldn't surprise me


Nope, he's gonna go in the NFL draft in April. Eagles need a linebacker. Fact


he's gonna do both, he's already asked richard simmons to be his VP, simmons with all the money he's made understands the economy. this frees up time for big mike to go into the NFL draft and practice tucking it in. fact.
