MovieChat Forums > Rebel Wilson Discussion > Why her humour doesn't work

Why her humour doesn't work

Fat people making fun of themselves isn't funny. All humour comes down to one thing: suffering. Jonah Hill will occasionally make jokes about his weight, but he seems sensitive about it. The fact that it's obvious the jokes are upsetting him makes it much funnier than all of Rebel Wilson's "LOOK AT HOW FAT I AM I TOTALLY DONT CARE"


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Jonah Hill is annoying. I came to Rebel Wilson's message board just to say that.


Doesn't work for you. I saw Pitch Perfect 2 this week and her parts easily got the most laughs. And not every joke is about her being fat.


She got the most laughs because her humor is pascification for idiots that need dumbed down simplistic humor. Unfortunately most humans are overrated in the intelligence category, so that translates to no shortage of laughs to her talentless schtick. Jonah Hill used to annoy me but he is Daniel Day-Lewis compared to "Rebel" Wilson. Even her made up fake stage name is just idiotic when you consider the context.


Good point. I first saw it yesterday, Monday, and she made the audience laugh. Same for today's (Tuesday)'s showing, my mother laughed too, and she's 78!

Amanda Bynes is hot and Lindsay Lohan is not.
"Jewish People driving German cars"-Sarah Silverman.


Self-deprecating humor doesn't make me laugh. It's sort of used to take the issue off the table for some, like "You can call me fat because look, I do and it's okay." - Sort of taking away their ammunition.

"You can't hurt me with this."

But if a fat person were to say "I'm so fat I was baptized at Sea World" you'd probably laugh but after awhile it would be like "okay, we get it, you're comfortable being the butt of a joke but I'm starting to feel like you've got some issues."


Self-deprecating humor doesn't make me laughSometimes it can be funny...Louis CK and Larry David come to mind.

However, a lot of stand-ups (particularly women), rely on the 'my bad sex life' and 'my body ain't what it used to be' gags far too often -- it just becomes tiresome.

Amy Schumer seems to coast on that these days.
