MovieChat Forums > Rebel Wilson Discussion > Her weight is for her to worry about!

Her weight is for her to worry about!

People are way to worried with her weight or how she looks. And everybody wants to say that they only say anything at all because they are 'concerned about her health.' Yet always tend to revert to her appearance. I personally think she is a beautiful.

She is full of talent ... How about focusing on that instead of ways to put her down on the internet!


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I see that was your attempt at a joke ....


Very true. Everything she has done so far as revolved around the fact that she is overweight. The reason you know this is because you can't trade her out with another actress, unless that actress is also overweight, in any of her roles without having to change what the role was.


She is clearly doing something right! She's real and that's why she gets signed! Using fat jokes does not make her talentless. She is not the only actress to use a physical attribute to their advantage, people just zone in on her bc she's bigger.

I think she is talented and even beautiful. Her reasons for doing things are admirable but people rip her to shreds bc of her weight. I don't think she's the problem in that equation. I'm not trying to change anyone's mind or make anyone like her. Just making a point.


All I know is that every time I see her in a movie, all she is doing is playing up the fact that she is fat and I don't find that funny mainly because I don't see her as likable at all.


Yeah, but probably unlike you, she can afford to buy a spacious seat in first class!


No one hears she fly's freight!
