Not funny at all!

I have never laughed at anything that she has said in a movie, TV show or interview. I feel that she tries way too hard, and I feel embarrassed for her. Nothing about her is even remotely funny.

Just my honest opinion.


That's why she is a huge award winning international star and loved by millions. You appear to have no sense of humour.


Kenmlove sense of humour is subjective. Its a matter of opinion. Its not for you to say someone doesnt have a sense of humour. For the record I dont think she is that funny either. I am sick of the fact that fat women have to always be comedic actresss's and use their weight as a way to get laughs, every joke she makes in PP is about her weight. Its boring.


Me neither her jokes are atupid make no sence like in night at the museum I couldn't laugh not a smile. Nothing.


Couldn't agree more. She's like a female Kevin James.

There will be blood pudding.


I found her amusing at first but she has been predictable and somewhat tedious.

She needs to broaden her range if she wants a long shelf life.


"She needs to broaden her range if she wants a long shelf life."

I agree. She needs to go for different roles to broaden her range and appeal. She does overweight girls and women a disservice by doing that self deprecating humor over and over again. Adele is a big gal and absolutely gorgeous. Rebel has a beautiful face and should let it work for her.


Let me get this straight - you think TheFrinkahedron can have an opinion that Rebel is not funny, yet Kenmlove is not allowed to state the opinion that TheFrinkahedron has no sense of humor??


Millions of people loved the Baha Men and Roy Schneider. Doesn't make them talented.
