The new news looks dark. The President said he should resign.
I am of the opinion that it started as a political hit job. The timing of the allegations, just when Cumo was weak politically is very suspect. This hit job in the long run, hurts the legitimacy of the #metoo movement.
Don’t see this as a hit job. Highly believeable that a smug, old school guy like Cuomo would be “handsy” with women.
But sure, this can be a method for targeting men or women (recently there was that congresswoman in California who had to resign). Also not limited to straight men. Wasn’t Kevin Spacey’s career tanked by his harassment of men?
There used to be very formal manners and protocol in the workplace between colleagues. While that did not prevent harassment altogether, bringing some of that back in modern times might help guide those who are too thick to use common sense. Modern workplaces are too chummy and this breeds conflict.
A watershed moment will be when a real political hit job happens and some intrepid reporter uncovers it by obtaining texts or promises of a payoff etc.
When this occurs (it will occur eventually) it will set back the #metoo movement, possibly killing it.
Doubt one case will kill #metoo and it really shouldn’t be killed. No one should be degraded, pestered, bullied by unwanted sexual advances at their job or anywhere for that matter. Like all sloganized movements, #metoo needs to dig deeper than knee jerk reactions to celebrity cases which can blow up and turn on a dime with a couple of expensive lawyers at the helm.