MovieChat Forums > Andrew Cuomo Discussion > Democrats cancelling their own …

Democrats cancelling their own …

Reminds me of Stalin sending his supporters to the gulags. I love it!

State and federal Democrats calling for him to resign. NY has started impeachment investigation. "Will not bow to cancel culture"!


They are only doing it so they can put a female Democrat in power in NY.


At least he didn't kill anybody.


Democrats canceling their own

There are 2 reasons for that:

1) The Dems used him as a contrast to Trump. Trump is no longer an issue, so they simply don't need him.

2) Any politician who is unfavorable to the public, drags down the whole party's chances for reelection.

Bye,Bye Andy! He deserves to fall on his celebrated face. 😁


Chuck Todd this morning had the nerve to suggest "cancel culture" is a Fox News buzzword.
At least Bill Maher recognizes cancel culture and calls it out for what it is. Bill Maher is a weasel...but sometimes I really appreciate his gumption...and his willingness to call out hypocrisy and bs. Not too many people have the guts to take a stance anymore, for fear of being....cancelled.

Who is going to step up...and have the guts to say enough is enough? Cancel culture has gotten way out of hand. Not many celebrities out there have the clout (or the courage) to do it. Everyone is walking on eggshells...nobody wants to insult/alert the cancel mob. It would probably take someone who is rather untouchable, like Dave Chapelle. He'd need to have a really strong take on it...and deliver that take on a big, highly-visible platform, like SNL.
