MovieChat Forums > Avan Jogia Discussion > Avan and dyslexia

Avan and dyslexia

Since I don't seem to know how to use tumblr, I thought I would vent here.

A fan got Avan and Kylie's signatures, apparently on the set. The fan posted them on tumblr.

Several fans are making fun of Avan's handwriting. They don't seem to understand that it takes quite an effort for a dyslexic person to write as clearly as he did, and with no spelling mistakes, either!

Dyslexia isn't just about how you learn to read, it's about language across the board. How you speak it, hear it, and write it. It's because the left side of the brain is supposed to handle language, but the right hand side of the brain has taken over everything.

This makes language, especially reading, more difficult, but as we can see, not impossible. Avan is quite articulate and even writes his own music. He has learned to compensate. Also, a higher percentage of people with dyslexia have above average intelligence than in the rest of the population. In fact, some people who work with dyslexics don't even consider it to be a disability, just a different kind of ability. Unfortunately, schools test you on pretty much every subject by having you write everything down - the exact wrong way to test a dyslexic person.

By the way, Kylie should not have corrected Avan's pronunciation of "finale" in that behind the scenes tour of the Twisted set. He pronounced it correctly, so did she. It's one of those words that can be pronounced either way.

If anyone's interested, I can explain some symptoms of dyslexia that fans of various shipdoms won't want to hear.

By the way, I have worked with dyslexics and have done a lot of research on it, but I am not a doctor of any kind. You could learn as much as I know just by researching dyslexia online.
