MovieChat Forums > Adam Schiff Discussion > Would you trust this man around your chi...

Would you trust this man around your children?

He looked right at the cameras and lied about the laptop story. What else is he willing to lie about?


Absolutely not. He’s a disgrace of a human and should be locked up. Every DemoKKKrat who voted to not censure him should also be put on suspension and investigated.


He lied about evidence of Russia collusion upwards of 100 times to the American people via the Democrat party media.

It makes one wonder, what does it take for Demokkkrat lemmings to take a step back and say to themselves, if the Demokkkrat party/media will lie to me about a massive whopper like national security/elections, what else will they lie about?

As for Schiff, feed him to the pigs.


I’m just grateful we have patriots like Lauren Boebert in Congress who is actually willing to do the right thing and stand on principle. The GOP should follow her lead and do the same. They need to impeach Diaper Joe soon. If it doesn’t have a chance of a conviction in the Senate then let the DemoKKKrats vote against it and let it stand on their record that they refused to remove the motherfucker from office.


Every sound that emits from his face is a lie. His smug face begs to be punched. FAS.
