MovieChat Forums > Adam Schiff Discussion > Santos Vs Schiff - Just proves how worth...

Santos Vs Schiff - Just proves how worthless Republican House is....

So, let's see if this is correct: The Republican House censures Schiff for doing his rightful job and does nothing about a grifter, liar and indicted George Santos?

And now is rallying behind US Supreme Court justices that take lavish gifts and bennies from billionaires that have also had business before the court without recusing themselves.

(And now, some moron from MC will come up with some idiotic non-fact to dispute these acts of pure corruption).


Adam Schiff lied for 4 straight years with his Russian conspiracy theories and he undermined our democracy.

Also I would love to see you argue that in court, “but but but, George Santos, what about George Santos, wah wah wah”

Adam Schiff is a liar and a traitor and he deserves to be in jail. It’s also very disturbing that not one single DemoKKKrat voted to censure them, just goes to show their loyalty is to their cult and not to our democracy.


Santos lied about being a Republican.
He really checks off all boxes for a Democrat.


No true Scotsman fallacy


Precisely; Santos is a RINO/DID/LID.

The liberals are incapable of getting it through their thick skull that anyone can pretend, claim, impersonate, and register as something other than what they are.


I watched the whole hearing. Several Dems gave their time to Schiff and he used it to attack Durham. Ironic since Schiff outright lied while on the committee to investigate the Russia hoax. Moreso ironic he was on the panel attacking Durham. Durham never let anyone get the better of him because he had facts on his side every time. Rep Cohen outright threatened Durham. I thought that would make news.


Unfortunately that's liberal privilege for you. You are allowed to threaten the other side with death and nothing happens, but on the other hand if you commit treason and the other side calls you out for your treason you are now a victim. It's totally ass backwards.


You miss the entire point and fall back on pure dogma.


And Republicans shitting themselves over unsubstantiated rumor that members of the Biden family who are in no way involved in government business did business with Chinese but turn their heads at the Saudis making $2 BILLION investment along with $25 MILLION annual fee to Jared Kusner after he was actually put in charge of US middle Eastern policy including military sales to Saudi Arabia.


...members of the Biden family who are in no way involved in government business

Defending Hunter Cokehead Biden? For real?


Hunter was in no way involved in government business. Kushner was very much involved. You cannot dispute that.


So Hunter Biden spent that much time in Ukraine only for the hookers there? Hard to believe...


He was working for Burisma. I don't know what he did there and I don't care, he was and always had been a private citizen.


Exactly. If there is any financial link between Hunter and Joe, there would be a legit concern here. But as it stands, he's just another rich kid making millions off his family name.
Admirable? Nope
Shady? Kinda
Illegal and a direct indictment on Joe Biden? Lol Hell no!


The claims against the Biden’s are 100% true, the claims against Adam Schiff are 100% true. The claims against Donald Trump are demonstrably false and have mostly been proven to be lies and conspiracy theories.


Seeing how plebs defend their own liars, grifters, cheaters, and traitors, I say the US is corrupt and getting worse by the years. It's slowly heading towards Russia-type corruption. Maybe soon its military will become the Paper Tiger as well with its ever blooming failed audit DoD budget. The slow collapse of a once great empire, oh wells. China was right all along and time will prove it. Then again, China has its own mass corruption as well...


Schiff's lying and corruption caused extensive social and political damage to the country. Santos's lying, so far, hasn't caused any trouble except to his reputation. Schiff is a monster, Santos is a buffoon. Both should be thrown out and banned from ever holding public office again. Schiff should do significant prison time.


Ah, more political dogman, and not only that, complete erroneous claims.

Another insincere person to add to the ignore column, too.


But everything he mentioned is true.

What is it about you liberals that hate and despise the truth?
It is almost like someone is inflicting agonizing pain.
