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Aubrey Plaza Blasts Trump Rally Comic’s “Garbage” Joke About Puerto Rico: “Disgusting Remark”

At WSJ Magazine’s 2024 Innovator Awards, Plaza said, “As a Puerto Rican woman, I just wanted to very quickly respond to the racist joke that was made at that Trump rally about Puerto Rico, where most of my family is from. Thankfully, my sweet abuelita wasn’t here to hear that disgusting remark, but if she was alive today, I think she would say, ‘Tony Hinchcliffe, go f— yourself.'”

Plaza is the latest Puerto Rican celebrity to speak out on the remark. Ricky Martin, Bad Bunny and Jennifer Lopez have posted messages condemning the joke or expressing support for Harris.


Good to know the joke offended talentless turds like Plaza, Martin, Lopez and THE RABBIT.

And, wait... we're supposed to pretend Puerto Rico ISN'T a shit hole?


Like it's a big secret Puerto Rico is a trash heap. There's a few nice areas the government is encouraged to keep clean so that the affluent Americans continue to vacation there.

All these LatinX mofos need to just go home if their homeland is such a great place. Really, what are you still doing in the USA? All these people claim to come to the USA for 'a better life', but the moment someone points out Mexico, or Puerto Rico, or Haiti, or Venezuala are shithole countries, all of a sudden the screeching from hispanics roars to life with claims of how amazing their homes are, and how dare you insult our amazing homelands!


Puerto Rico is US territory, and all Puerto Ricans are US citizens. Are you suggesting to US citizens to go back to the US? Thanks for demonstrating your ignorance.


Stop being willfully obtuse.


It's not a State, it is not a part of the USA. It's a Commonwealth, they can vote, and travel to and from the US without Visa.

Puerto Ricans do not talk of themselves as US citizens, even though it is technically true, they consider themselves Puerto Ricans. Read the article above, Aubrey Plaza is a self described Puerto Rican.

You clearly have no grasp of this topic, please refrain from commenting further to avoid your own embarrassment.


I can be a self-described attack helicopter, yet it wouldn't make much sense to refer to me as such if the facts say otherwise. Plaza was born in Delaware, and only her paternal grandfather came from Puerto Rico. She's as much a Puerto Rican as I am an attack helicopter. So, again, I'm asking you: where do you suggest Plaza to go back to? Delaware? Or a country she wasn't even born in, and which is US territory anyway?


Your question is nothing but a distraction from the crux of the issue here. If Puerto Rico is so great, why doesn't she live there? That goes for all the Hispanics that take this great pride in their awesome homeland. Why did you leave and why do you not live there now? Why is it off limits to poke fun at another country? Puerto Rico has a known landfill problem, they are overflowing with garbage, why is that such an offensive joke?


You do realize that if we go far enough down the family tree, *every* US citizen except natives has a "homeland" other than the US? Plaza's homeland is the US, and it would be just as silly to call Donald Trump's homeland Germany as calling Plaza's Puerto Rico. She never lived there and never left, so whoever you're referring to, it cannot be Plaza, and it cannot be Lopez either, who was born in New York.

Also, nowhere did Plaza say that Puerto Rico is "great," so you're clearly strawmanning. One can be proud of the country one's parents come from (this could be part of a concept known as "honoring your family roots," which you surely are in favor of) and still decide to live in the country one has grown up in, yet also feel the need to defend said country against remarks one considers unjust. I struggle to see what is so difficult to grasp here.

Let's say your parents came from Poland, and a work colleague would make derogatory comments about Poland—would you let those fly? Because that's what you're demanding of Plaza here.


You keep distracting, and obviously are unable to answer. You are continuously pointing out that these actors aren't even from their declared homeland in the first place, only highlighting just how phony all the outrage over this one joke is.

My family was from Ireland, yes I can take an Irish joke, there are plenty, in fact it would be like getting all upset if someone said Ireland was a dreary drunken mess. It's ok to make cultural jokes, it always has been, we can poke fun at each other.


Claiming that it's okay to make cultural jokes and suggesting to others to "go back where they came from" if they don't agree with what you consider decent or funny are two very different things. You still haven't answered my question where you'd want these "LatinX" people to go "back" to, considering they never were in those countries in the first place.


Tony Hinchcliffe hangs around Comedy Central 'Roasts' featuring former child predator Jeff Ross. Jeff Ross, a guy who had a relationship and groomed an underage girl when he was in his late 30s.

As for Jon Stewart defending Hinchcliffe, I think that's because Stewart's on Comedy Central. So they are just sticking up for all the other Comedy Central guys. It's pretty pathetic , though, I think , it was a shitty joke and not good comedy.

All comedians understand theres good comedy and shit comedy, good comedians and bad. It's not always automatically good. Hinchecliffe is a COMEDY CENTRAL COMEDIAN. They are TERRIBLE. That's all you need to know. Think of any COMEDY CENTRAL comedian ... TJ Miller. They all suck really , really bad. Comedy Central comedians post 2005 are the lowest of the barrel of stand up comedy. Why do you think no one watches the channel anymore?


Aubrey Plaza isn’t from Puerto Rico, her response is nothing more than emotion. Same goes for Jennifer Lopez.


I guess the Left sucked all the humor out of Aubrey Plaza. such a shame.


Oh no she's fucking retarded.
