MovieChat Forums > Elizabeth Warren Discussion > Is she still pretending to be Indian?

Is she still pretending to be Indian?

I think she gave a backhanded apology a couple months ago. Has Harvard renounced her and taken back her degree? Bill Cosby had his degree taken away and he didn't even do anything. College isn't allowed to police your behavior years after you graduate. That seems incredibly illegal. Technically they aren't even supposed to be involved in campus rape. That's a police matter but they do it anyway. Bill Cosby should get his tuition back. But this is backwards land and they'd sooner give Elizabeth Warren an award.




She should be impeached by her fake tribe.


Cosby had several HONORARY degrees revoked. You seem to be unfamiliar with the concept of honorary degrees. They are totally different from degrees that are given for completion of academic programs. He did not actually take any courses to get those honorary degrees, or pay any tuition for them. Those schools were simply giving him honorary recognition for his achievements in or contributions to various fields. Now they have chosen to take that recognition back. And that's their prerogative.


No it isn't their prerogative. Just like a business can't refuse service, a university can't either. A woman can't have sex and decide later it was rape because the man turned out not to be a rich doctor. She has to live with her own bad judgement.


Nevermind. Like I said, you seem to be unfamiliar with the concept of symbolic, non-earned honorary degrees.


When she was young, she found out she had some Native American ancestry and thought it was cool. That's it. She never got any scholarships or special treatment in admissions, or anything like that, for noting that heritage on official paperwork. People at the time weren't so PC and uptight about racial sensitivity. There was no sinister intent - no matter what people on the right want to make of it.

It doesn't escape Americans' notice that the GOP has no real ideas beyond giving everything to the rich and the corporations who fund them. They sow racial division and fear. Call the opposition names. They never come up with a reasoned set of arguments for a solid set of policies. The public by and large hates their policies, with good reason! The system of corporate power and open bribery in our government isn't working for us and all Republicans have to offer is more of the same. The cure for what ails this nation is even more of what's making it sick. So screaming, yelling, raging, and fearmongering is all they have to trick enough voters to hold onto power. And I don't think it's going to work anymore.


Every claim you make is false, and the result of your ignorance.


See what I mean? Typical response. Lies, all lies! And now I'm going to insult you. That's all people on the right have. Well, that and tin foil hat conspiracy shlock.

Name a single economic policy coming from Republicans that hasn't benefited the super rich almost exclusively and handed them even more power. Oh yes, they talk about jobs and use the old trickle down argument, but we have forty years of stats on the results, and it's NOT working that way. It was never intended to. But you can't even pretend now. Hence the fact-free zone they operate in, reality is whatever we say it is, and just call the truth fake news. Did you really think people would keep falling for that forever?


Are immigration laws racist?


In a general sense? No of course not. You need to have some kind of immigration laws, after all. It depends on the specifics.

What this administration, and the Stephen Miller camp, want to do with immigration absolutely is racist. They're against even LEGAL immigration. Want to cut that way back. And their treatment of legal asylum seekers is disgusting. Past administrations (of both parties) have dealt with higher numbers before because they wanted to deal with them. They allocated enough resources and judges to move cases through expeditiously.

80% of asylum applications have traditionally been denied because they turn out to be economic immigrants. Not being able to find work isn't grounds for asylum, fleeing danger is. So you accept the ones with legitimate claims and send the rest back; there, done, no more people being dumped at bus stops or concentration camps for kids. They're deliberately logjamming the process to create a fake crisis so they can scream and yell and rage for the 2020 campaign.

The talking points for idiots is basically, you're either for the Game of Thrones wall and SS-style border patrol tactics or you want Open Borders. Nothing in between. They try to make it sound like THEIR approach is the only reasonable one and anyone who disagrees is wrong/weak/evil. Same with nearly every other issue. There's no rational discussion on anything these days. It's all gut emotion, personal attacks, and quick sound bites (or tweets) aimed at the lowest common denominator. Years ago it was different. You could respect people on the other side, disagree without calling them the enemy. I see nothing remotely admirable in what the GOP has morphed into over the course of my adult life, especially under Donald Trump.


I don't think America going from 90% white to 60% white was an oversight in managing the border. It's an agenda. You're downplaying it by talking about 80% being turned back, racism, log-jamming, etc... However true any of that might be, it's been inconsequential to the reality of profound demographic change. We're beyond open borders.

Immigration dilutes the labor pool, like strike-breaking. Even Caesar Chavez was against immigration. It's good for big business. On the other end, taxpayers pick up the social burden, a double whammy. Public school alone costs on average $15,000 per student per year, even higher in the cities and for ESL. This is a major economic issue, which is what you were talking about.

I asked about racism just to see how much it would derail you, because you were ranting in a way that didn't look honest. What the Republican Party has become? They were founded as a the party of big business. Lincoln was a railroad lobbyist. I think Trump is the least guilty of doing the bad things. He didn't avoid policy. Policy is in fact what made him unique. Race baiting has been the left's boon for keeping people quiet about immigration.

It looks to me like the whole purpose of the Mueller investigation was to pull Trump in line with the war agenda. Hillary was supposed to win and kill Syria just like she killed Libya in accordance with the PNAC document. Instead Trump said he was pulling out, and you've never seen the media as angry as they were about that. Doesn't matter if he actually goes through with it. He revealed the enemy of the people.


The purpose of the Mueller investigation was to look into Russian meddling and how deeply Trump and his campaign participated. All you have to do is be up on the facts to know these things happened and needed looking into. Sometimes things are exactly what they look like. No shadowy plot. If Trump wasn't a brain dead moron he would've let it alone and waited to be cleared of active conspiracy. People often get in more trouble for lying under oath and obstructing justice than if they'd been convicted of the original charge. How many times have we seen that play out in Washington?

Immigration has been the backbone of America since day one. Every time there's a big wave of immigrants the Luddites say the same damn things. Oh we're being overrun by all these dirty foreigners! Oh it's a crisis! We have to defend our culture! It's different this time, they always say. And yet economic booms have followed every major wave of new arrivals. People who act as if the economy is one pie, and every way we have to split it is less for everyone else, don't know much about economics. That's not how it works. You wind up baking more pies and there's bigger slices for everyone.

Economic reality doesn't mesh with an agenda that's being pursued for the very reason you laid out yourself. The USA is getting less white - we must stop this!!! That's why I call Stephen Miller's immigration agenda racist. When people keep making outrageous comments along similar lines (Ń•hithole countries, etc.) only to walk them back, you'd have to be a total dimwit not to realize they meant what they said the first time. They just have impulse control issues and can't help blurting it out. These days you can sit at your computer and call up someone's whole history of public and written remarks. People can't ditch their white nationalist associations and racist views simply by denying they ever had such things. The internet is forever. Every piece of information connected to you will probably still be floating around there long after you're dust.

If you look at numbers and percentages, there is no immigration crisis. Nothing is happening now that's bigger, badder, or out of step with what's happened in the past. But the motives at play are not rational ones. They're irrational. Hence the artificial emergencies, yelling, raging, and fearmongering. Arguing facts and figures won't lead to the conclusions these people want reached. The biggest problem this country has with job losses is due to companies relocating to the third world so they can pay their workers peanuts. But that has nothing to do with immigration, and the problem won't be solved by even the most comprehensive immigration reform (which we do need by the way).


If she claimed she was Native American, then she got in with lower standards. How else does that work?


She didn't start putting that down on forms until after she already had her law degree, so it played no role (plus or minus) in her education.


She claimed she never put it down on any forms at all. Until one leaked. But we already knew she was lying because Harvard had bragged about her being Native American.


She never tried to scam any money or get preferential treatment. Those were the only things people would've cared about. It makes sense that she didn't see it as a big deal then. Warren hasn't shown a pattern of dishonest behavior throughout her career. She's consistently tried to root out corruption and fight for regular people, that's not something she started doing recently just to jump on the bandwagon. I'm prepared to give her the benefit of the doubt on such a trivial matter - and it really is trivial. Her mistake was feeding the Troll-in-Chief. She let his barbs get under her skin, and took that DNA test so she could say I Told You So.

Here again, it's all name calling, scandal mongering, and distraction. No one's talking about issues. Just attack, attack, attack. If you listen to Elizabeth Warren talk, she has her finger on a lot of what's wrong with the filthy corrupt mess our government has become. Run by toadies who take bribes from billionaires and corporations to do their bidding. More members of Congress are busy whoring themselves out for money than actually trying to serve the people. Which is why they don't want to have this discussion. The more we talk about the open bribery that rules our system - they don't even have the decency to pass envelopes in back rooms now, it goes on right out in public - the more Americans are disgusted by what they hear, and realize people like Senator Warren are making some genuinely valid points.


She is Indian!! How dare u racist disagree!!! Also she has a 1/1024 chance of becoming president in 2020 show her some respect!!!


She lied about being part Native American, and got special consideration in college as a result. She's a crook, and she will not be president of the United States. As for Bill Cosby, he drugged and raped women.


Bill Cosby was acquitted. Warren is still a fake Indian.
