The purpose of the Mueller investigation was to look into Russian meddling and how deeply Trump and his campaign participated. All you have to do is be up on the facts to know these things happened and needed looking into. Sometimes things are exactly what they look like. No shadowy plot. If Trump wasn't a brain dead moron he would've let it alone and waited to be cleared of active conspiracy. People often get in more trouble for lying under oath and obstructing justice than if they'd been convicted of the original charge. How many times have we seen that play out in Washington?
Immigration has been the backbone of America since day one. Every time there's a big wave of immigrants the Luddites say the same damn things. Oh we're being overrun by all these dirty foreigners! Oh it's a crisis! We have to defend our culture! It's different this time, they always say. And yet economic booms have followed every major wave of new arrivals. People who act as if the economy is one pie, and every way we have to split it is less for everyone else, don't know much about economics. That's not how it works. You wind up baking more pies and there's bigger slices for everyone.
Economic reality doesn't mesh with an agenda that's being pursued for the very reason you laid out yourself. The USA is getting less white - we must stop this!!! That's why I call Stephen Miller's immigration agenda racist. When people keep making outrageous comments along similar lines (Ń•hithole countries, etc.) only to walk them back, you'd have to be a total dimwit not to realize they meant what they said the first time. They just have impulse control issues and can't help blurting it out. These days you can sit at your computer and call up someone's whole history of public and written remarks. People can't ditch their white nationalist associations and racist views simply by denying they ever had such things. The internet is forever. Every piece of information connected to you will probably still be floating around there long after you're dust.
If you look at numbers and percentages, there is no immigration crisis. Nothing is happening now that's bigger, badder, or out of step with what's happened in the past. But the motives at play are not rational ones. They're irrational. Hence the artificial emergencies, yelling, raging, and fearmongering. Arguing facts and figures won't lead to the conclusions these people want reached. The biggest problem this country has with job losses is due to companies relocating to the third world so they can pay their workers peanuts. But that has nothing to do with immigration, and the problem won't be solved by even the most comprehensive immigration reform (which we do need by the way).