MovieChat Forums > Candice King Discussion > Favorite Caroline line

Favorite Caroline line

For me it's hare to narrow down to just one. But one of my favorites is 'Hi, Mom'
Just the way she says it, I love it. Just wondering what others favorites are. Caroline is my favorite character and if they kill her off I'll be pissed. I may even not watch the show, not sure yet.


I loved during season 2 when she helps Tyler with his cursed life. He says: I tried to kill you. She whips back with: No friendship is perfect.

James Oglethorpe: Philanthropist by day, Philanderer by night


You are not worth the calories I burn talking to you... She said it to Klause right before he bit her while he was stuck in the Gilbert house toward the end of season 4 while the rest of the group were on the island...
