MovieChat Forums > Chris Brown Discussion > Why Didn't Chris Brown's Career End?

Why Didn't Chris Brown's Career End?

By Patrick Cc:


Cos unlike Johnny Depp, he's actually guilty of domestic violence, and, so, unlike Johnny Depp and other *innocent* people, he didn't fight the accusations.

That's the lesson: the guilty prosper whilst those who protest their innocence falter.

Because, after all, it's NEVER about justice. It's always about NARRATIVE.

A guilty man goes along with the 'right narrative'. An innocent one fights it. Thus, an innocent man is more of a 'threat' than a guilty one...


johnny won his innocence and amber is humiliated Frank Reynolds bed pooper


But did he win his *career*? Plus, several people are still saying he's a 'wife beater'. Few people say anything bad about Chris Brown these days. 🤷‍♂️

Also, it was never about humiliating Amber.


everyone hates chris brown last time i checked


"Everyone Hates Chris" *Rock*. Not *Brown*.

That's the 'Chris' the show title refers to, and since he spoke out against Meghan and Harry, and Jada and Will, the title has turned out to be true.

But people still seem to listen to Chris *Brown's* music and act like he's 'okay'...


i wasnt talking about that show. i was talking about he was most infamous for beating Rihanaha and career died


Well TMC-4 asked the question. And he does have a point?

Brown's career *didn't* end.


well dont blame me im not a fan of his shit music, its the afro murican community that supports violence against woman by supporting his dumbass not me...



No need to go there.

*Some* Black people support this POS. *Some* white people do too. Please don't generalise.

That said, anyone who does support this POS, has NO moral high-ground from which to lecture others about social justice issues. 😠


the afro murican community is much more pro woman beating then other communities tho. Just listen to NWA, its all about jocking the bitches, and SLAPPIN DA HOES!!!
