MovieChat Forums > Robin Lord Taylor Discussion > He said his Penguin is based on the Burt...

He said his Penguin is based on the Burton series

both Danny De Vito and Michelle Pfeiffer, who he said her performance still sticks with him to this day. He saw "Batman Returns" as a kid.


Michelle Pfeiffer was the best catwoman, far better than Anne Hathaway.


Which is interesting because I don't see much of DeVito's version there. Granted that has a lot to do with the fact that in terms of writing he is characterized far closer to the Penguin of the comics than he was.


What?? If it's based on De Vito's pinguin he's doing a terrible job, lol.

They're not alike at all, and thank god.

Burton's Pinguin was kind of retarded. I mean, LITERALLY raised by penguins? C'mon. That's even more cartoon than the comics. I don't know why that didn't bother me back then. Nolan's higher sense of realism must have spoiled me.


Burton's Penguin wasn't raised by penguins, he was raised by the performers of the Red Triangle Circus. He was identified as an "aquatic bird boy" so he did spend a lot of time with the penguins, enough to refer to them all as his "babies".

But yeah, I don't see any connection between Robin's Penguin and DeVito's at all except that they come from the same source material.



Michelle Pfeiffers Catwoman was far better, more dangerous, and creative in Batman Returns than Anne Hathaway s from Batman:The Dark Knight Rises.


You can see it in the way he walks and the way he poses himself.

You can't judge it based on his appearance or the way the character talks or the words he uses as that's all up to the director and writers.

It's definitely not a cut & paste copy of devitos penguin, but you can see some of the inspiration in how he carrys himself.


Exactly. I see hints of Danny DeVito in Robin's performance and it's brilliant!
