MovieChat Forums > Dave Franco Discussion > His first gay role

His first gay role

I was watching NOW YOU SEE ME and 21 JUMP STREET the other day. And I can't help it but to put him in the most challenging and even tabooed role yet, as a gay man.

I know it's a sensitive subject but I think instead of Dave playing jerks and A-hole frequently perhaps he could take up a more challenging and dramatic role. That would elevate his career as a serious actor. I am hoping for awards for this guy. But on a important note, I'd like to see my favorite actors to explore new roles each time they take up a project. I think it'll be good to widen his range.

Check out my suggested storyline:

Although the irony is that there's a video on YouTube that gave out Dave's "gay vibes" in a rather comical aspect:


No it doesn't. If you don't like him then you need to get off his board, and go to his brother's board and fawn over him or something.

"Don't they know they're making love to one already dead?!"

Love Les Miserables!!!
