Yeah and in my opinion Johnny Depp comes across as a little demented "in movies."
Movies are what's know as "make believe." And sometimes, people play characters who are much different than their actual, real life personalities.
This means the smug, conceited characters Dave Franco plays in movies might not be the type of person he actually is.
Get it?
Next time on introduction to common sense I'll explain why looking into a mirror doesn't mean you have a mute twin. Don't flatter yourself punk, there is nothing you can presume to teach me.
Did I say anything to deserve your condescension? No, I was very congenial! What a cocky SOB you are, I see why you'd defend your kindred spirit, Dave Franco.
And smartass, I'm aware of everything you said, but I do believe that when you see a wide enough body of work, their true personalities show through. I'll bet there are celebrity type people that you dislike, but that's okay, because you're allowed to form opinions, where I'm not.
Tolerance Is Intolerant Of Politically Incorrect Thought...🇺🇸