How can anyone kiss Gaga? blech
yeah-she aint pretty
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shareI dunno...Love is blind. And stupid.
shareShe's not ugly. Everyone has their tastes.
shareI agree with OP Lady Gaga is one of the ugliest women I have EVER seen. It is hilarious people say that lady is pretty just because she is rich. Lady Gaga slags Madonna BUT Madonna is a beautiful woman while she is definitely NOT!
shareAbsolute lies Madonna IS a beautiful woman and she she was young in the 1980s she always was praised for her beauty.
shareBoth gag-a and the has been madonna are both ugly
shareEveryone has their own opinions. I think both Gaga and Madonna are beautiful.
shareI like Lady Gaga. I find her sexy, especially in American Horror Story. I'm a girl. We all have our preferences.