MovieChat Forums > Greta Gerwig Discussion > Greta Thunberg is awesome!

Greta Thunberg is awesome!

She has strong ideals and good morals. Nothing incredible, just good upbringing.
Anybody with a little brains and education would share her same beliefs, like the vast majority of people on the planet does.

Yet, out of more than 7 billions, she's the only one courageous enough to put this much effort behind it and try to make a difference.

I think she's just AWESOME!


She is the most important director of our times.


Really? Just people with the same first name now, huh? It's not enough to let politics dominate the site with their own pages, so now politics must dominate the other pages just because of sharing a first name? The irony of the blindest partisans KNOWING that they see it all so clearly...


Lighten up! I bet Greta agrees with me too!
BTW, I know I DO see it all so clearly;-)


She's a mediocre human being....Tim Allen is a much better person for sure..




She is the one who knocks !


Greta looks hot! What about her butt?


its yuuuuggggeee !


She's a idiot, who looks like she's fucking retarded. Her dumb ass should be at home in school. Not poisoning the world, as she would call it, by flying on private jets .Fuck her, what will the name of climate change be changed too, like global warming was changed when it was found to be bullshit.


Not a single word you wrote is true.
