
Just my opinion, but every movie I see this chick in reminds me about every psycho girlfriend I've ever had. Even in Greenberg where she's a more sympathetic character, she just seems like she's crazy. Not trolling or starting trouble just just watched like the 4th film of hers and each time I get the same impression. Maybe the roles are too similar or maybe it's the direction (or maybe the LACK of directing) but she just seems like she's always this close to going off. I'd like to see her do something other than be the crazy girlfriend. Seems like she's getting more roles now. It's clear that her stock is rising... will be interesting to see how she evolves as she does more acting in non-mumblecore films. (The funny thing about the word "Mumblecore" is that I hadn't heard it before, but as soon as I hit the comments on her page, it just clicked immediately.)


I watched her for five minutes and thought the same know, about the neuroses and the crazy.


She's always got bi-polar!
She's always crying!
She's always taking her clothes off!
She's always clinging onto men she doesn't really care about!


There's a fine line between pathetic and sympathetic.

In Greenberg, she is adorable because we know that she is a lovely person 60 seconds in...when Noah shows her walking a dog up a hill in the sun early in the morn, then reveals the dog does not even belong to her. Then, as the credits roll, he shows her driving and thanking people for letting her merge into a lane when driving. Her heart and her openness is thus automatically endearing. ...For more, see Stiller going down on her, then the scene continuing. :))

If you want Barbie, go for it. But if you want some truth, Greta may be the right stuff.

btw, Arthur should be interesting. Can see why they would equate her apparent openness with the original Liza Minnelli role. (In Australia, we would call it "dagginess" after the "dag" on a sheep's arse...meaning a kind of natural honesty or down-to-earthness flying in the face of self-importance that Australians' hate).


Hy saw the BRIGHT side on her personality...and that will pick up her life always..some people will see the WITCH (the strong conjunction between Saturn and pluto, in aspect with her Sun in Leo) and other people will see the bright side( Uranus, the planet of the "NEWERS" things and Jupiter, the expsansion planet). And she always be in that extremes!Well..i luv her acting..she is the king of woman i fall in luv instantanelly!
I don't know if it would be good for me...but...would be amazing!


Hi Devron1..that's exactelly the how i felt about her.Do you belive in astrology?Probably not, 'cause you dont like crazy things either.Well, after i saw her in Greeberg this morning, after i felt felling that you describe, i've wnet here on IMDM, and see her birthday: it is 4th august of 1983.Exactlly the same year of the late Amy Winehouse, and the most craiers loves i've ever had(one of them was born days ago her) probably notice i'm an astrology lover...
In the year of 1983 happened 2 astrologies aspect:one that give the person a kind of PARANOID and CONTROLING personality (always stucked on mental battles and games) and other side a bright , almost SCHIZOID personality( that put an INFINITY IMAGINATION AND CRIATIVITY to the mind of the person).With another smalls aspects, you will find a person that LIVE A LOT PERSONAS...but, some of them are HISTERICAL..other are BRIGHT!
Well..u maybe think i'm crazy too for saying exacttly the time i saw Greta i remember the "last" temptation to a 1983 's girl, that was 'terminated in 2009 (not so many time ago).
Well...nobody should particulary belive on astrology (speacially if it influence on art and artists)...I ,for other side, believe.And your testemonials on that topical just make believe more on that sincronicity!
p.s: I love her acting..ok? one thing is see the persoon on a screem..other thing is living with her! :)


This thread reminds me of a NY Times story I read once: "Men Are Crazy for Women Who Are, Too." e-too.html?pagewanted=all&src=pm

You want thingamabobs? I got twenty!
