MovieChat Forums > Elon Musk Discussion > Elon Musk Cusses Out Student Who Called ...

Elon Musk Cusses Out Student Who Called Him a Fake News Machine

Elon Musk launched into a foul-mouthed X tirade directed at a student who called him out for allegedly spreading disinformation.

“Elon Musk is rapidly becoming the largest spreader of disinformation in human history, hijacking political debates in the process,” wrote Joni Askola, a Finnish graduate student and activist for defense of Ukraine. “The EU must take action!”

“F u retard,” came Musk’s response, containing a slur used against people who have mental disabilities. He then replied saying “yes” to another person who said: “We could have avoided a lot of disasters by simply telling leftist retards to stfu.”


"Retard" is a generic insult in 2025. Meanings change. Just like that of "woke".


"F u retard"

Notice there's no denial in there? No denial that he's the largest spreader of disinformation in history?

Musk won't even try to question or deny it because it's true, he knows it's true.
So he responds with "F u retard"?
So the Finnish grad student won, then? Basically calls Musk the largest spreader of lies and misinformation in history and Musk has no response? No denial?

Just admission. That's the point Musk is at with his bullshit machine. He admits he's completely full of shit and doesn't even deny it anymore.


"...the largest spreader of lies" - Proven wrong with the causa Zuckerberg and that government that forced him to act this way.
But hey, you are a libtard, so "F u retard" is again the right response.


They didn't "force him", Mark is a sneaky sellout jew, don't let his "new image" fool you


Is it only Mega? Isn't it also Yahoo, MSN, even effin' LinkedIn that follows the leftist agenda? All "sellout jews"?


1st of all , I'll let "Mega" slide as a typo.

But Yahoo, and MSN?! This is 2025. Those companies haven't been relevant since 2005. After that your post devolves into 'blame the jews'... so there's more nothing to respond to. You're an idiot.


...says a Kamala supporter and that says everything. 😂🤣
MSN is irrelevant? I bet you never used Bing...
And yep, it was a typo. My spellchecker has a problem with "Meta"...


"MSN is irrelevant? I bet you never used Bing..."

Bing... Are you joking?

No, actually I never have used Bing. It's a shitty Microsoft search engine. Why would I use it? No one uses Bing. That's why it's so hilarious that you would bring up "Bing" after I said MSN was irrelevant now.


Anyone notice the irony of the insult?

to delay or impede the development or progress of

Anyone care to remind me what the definition of "conservative" is?
To me that's literally the same thing, meaning Musk is calling this student a conservative, only using a different word with the same meaning.


Retards have far more intelligence than conservatives. Don't insult the mentally disabled community like that.


You have a point there.


What Mr Musk may think of as 'leftist retards' are, in fact, educated Europeans.

The Finnish student is entirely correct that the EU is ultimately going to have to take action against X / Twitter. And possibly against Facebook too if Zuckerberg makes good on his promise to challenge the European Union's (and UK's) social media legislation.

(Happily, the USA has made such measures easier through its own treatment of TikTok.)

I suspect this is precisely what Musk wants anyway, so that he can claim persecution to the audience prepared to listen to him in the United States. So he'll be happy with that outcome.

And it's high-time Europe asserted its cultural difference by bringing these US companies into line or -- if needs be -- getting them out of the continent altogether. Americans can do what they like in their own back yard -- and call it freedom of speech if that helps them -- but I think we're reaching a point, with the incoming administration being openly hostile towards European values, when Europe is going to have to protect itself from its 'ally'.


Europe went to shit in the past couple decades, it is just as dangerous as USA now that they allowed the horde of rapefugees into the continent. Only thing is it is even worse because at least in USA we have gun right to keep the citizens safe from diversity


Is that why in the US every single day an average of 80 people get shot dead in the streets in broad daylight?
Some safety that is.
Relative to population even the Italian Mafia kills less people than Americans do.


its called black people, europe imported them now as well...


he's literally an autistic manchild that just discovered /pol/


Or worse. He's trying to ingratiate himself with autistic manchildren by behaving like a lot of the shitsuckers that plague this forum.
