MovieChat Forums > Dianna Agron Discussion > Keira Knightley...

Keira Knightley...

Shes very pretty and I just realised who it is she looks like...Keira knightley.

More than looks its the way they talk and hold themselves.

My two cents...

I ain't through with you by a damn sight. I'ma get medieval on your ass.


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Kinda but Dianna is prettier, way prettier.


Dianna is prettier. Keira is more beautiful.

Dianna is a classic American beauty.

Keira is a classic British beauty.

They both are gorgeous, but in very different ways.

I'm anespeptic, frasmotic, even compunctuous to have caused you such pericumbobulations...




I love them both, but Kiera is still far and away more beautiful.

But nonetheless, I can see subtle similarities between the two. Maybe not to the point of saying they look like one another, but I can see where you're coming from.


um they look nothing alike. they're both gorgeous.. keira is more "in your face" beautiful and dianna is more soft & angelic


Really? I don't see it at all, haha. The only similarity I really see is that they are both incredibly gorgeous Dianna I think in a more traditionally "pretty" (angelic) way & Keira in a slightly more "beautiful" striking way.

But I would hardly say that Di is a "disposable blonde", I think she's very natural looking unlike the type of woman in Hollywood I would normally call "disposable"


hmm...i don't think they look alike.

they have different features and beauty.

like someone said keira look like a classic british beauty.
dianna look like a classic amarican beauty.

i prefer dianna's looks more. that's why i think she's more beautiful. keira's very gorgeous as well though.
