MovieChat Forums > Janelle Monáe Discussion > Let's Go Crazy @ BET Awards

Let's Go Crazy @ BET Awards

Unfortunately, that was my introduction to this young woman. :-/ Absolutely awful performance. Prince's expression was priceless. ;-)

I am hoping it was an off night, and she's normally better. I'll YouTube her stuff before I make judgments.

Seth Green fangirl.
LOTR geek.


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Hi singerchick,

I hope you saw her perform Tightrope on So You Think You Can Dance - you might revise your opinion of her. She really needs to do her own material rather than covers of other artists. She's really unique.


Look up "Tightrope" on David Letterman.

"What you want me to come out looking like you, cactus butt?"


The first time I heard her was on Letterman and she blew me away with an electric performance! I was convinced to go out and buy her album and it is the most brilliant I think I have ever heard.


Glad I'm not the only one who hated it. I was surprised when I realized that she had appeared Outkast's Idlewild and that I'd liked those songs she was on. Then I discovered her single Tightrope, which I am really into right now. So even though I currently hate her for her Let's Go Crazy performance, I am really into her music right now.


In 2012, here in Houston, her live performance @ a RECORD STORE was chosen as one of the best performances of the year.
