looks like a blonde anne hathaway
just saying
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shareI was just flipping channels and saw this show. The first thing I said was "Wow..that looks like a blonde Anne Hathaway." :)
My FRIENDS are important to me. I miss them already.
i don't think so... i think Anne looks better...
shareAnne appears to be much taller and has no obvious work done on her face.
sharewhat obvious work has Gillian had on her face?
shareDef more of an Elizabeth Shue. I like the reddish/brown hair she has going on in one of her IMDb pics, much more flattering
Delicious strawberry flavored death
looks better than Elisabeth Shue... now that i've seen her work... hard choice between Anne and Gillian...
shareDepends on preference of blond or brunette. They are so close that they could easily pass as sisters
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