MovieChat Forums > Jesus Christ Discussion > Is it God or nature?

Is it God or nature?

"The sight of a "Jesus Christ" figure on a tree trunk has led to dozens of locals breaking the coronavirus lockdown to see it just days before the Easter period.

Footage taken in the town of Magangue in Bolivar, Colombia, shows a large group gathering around the tree.

They can be seen taking photos of it as cameraman and journalist Rafael Rodriguez says: “Dozens of people are gathered here.

“They are here to see the figure of what they say or believe is the figure of Christ, they have forgotten about coronavirus and are currently here looking at this figure.”

What appears to be a figure like Jesus can be seen on the tree trunk. The branch formation even gives the impression the figure is hanging on the cross."

I saw something similar on Better Call Saul season 5, but it was Saul.


Once I saw Jesus in the rust pattern on the screen door of our trailer. Just then the damned dog spotted a squirrel outside and busted right through it.



Wow, that's amazing!!!


Yes. It being on the tree and Easter coming up is such a coincidence.


No it's Matt Damon.


It must be hard going thru life with a hunched back.


Get some rest Jason. You look tired.


Here's something I came across the other day that does your share justice:

The Holy Bible is the Measuring Rod for Truth, God's preserved Word. Remember, the Holy Bible is a translation, not the Original Ancient Document. For example the word "Husband" in Greek means "Gardner." God the Father is the Gardner, and the Son is the Branch, and we are the Limbs, meaning without Jesus, we are dead, because He is our Substance, our life force. This is a parable.

Be blessed



"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."
2nd Timothy 1:7

This has just been going through my mind lately, twin, and I think appropriately so.


Indeed, God is never unjust because God does not sin. In the judeo-christian view, not all suffering is evil for we learn empathy in hard times.

A poem about salvation by Joseph Addison Alexander:

There is a time, we know not when,
A place, we know not where;
Which marks the boundary of men
To glory or despair.

There is a line, by us unseen,
Which crosses every path,
Which marks the boundary between
God's mercy and his wrath.

To pass that limit is to die,
To die as if by stealth;
It does not dim the beaming eye,
No more pale the glow of health.

The conscience may be still at ease,
The spirit light and gay;
And that which pleases still may please,
And care be thrust away.

But on that forehead God hath set
Indelibly a mark;
Unseen by man, for man as yet,
Is blind and in the dark.

He feels perchance that all is well
And every fear is calmed;
He lives, he dies, he walks in hell,
Not only doomed, but damned!

O, where is that mysterious line
That may by men be crossed,
Beyond which God himself hath sworn,
That he who goes is lost?

An answer from the skies repeats,
"Ye who from God depart."
TODAY, O hear His voice,
TODAY repent and harden not your heart.



Remember, the Holy Bible is a translation, not the Original Ancient Document.

Only the Bible wasn't an original ancient document was it ? It was compiled from a great number of separate ancient documents. And even to talk about the ancient texts that found their way into the Bible as "original" shows a profound ignorance of the way these documents were subject to repeated instances of copying and revision over time.


All very true. Though, it doesn't take away from the Bible's trustworthiness. It's not what's in the Bible that makes it sacred to the believer, but what's held sacred by the believer the reason why it is in the Bible.



More circular logic.


Totally understandable, which is why learning things from others, even from those whom we might disagree with in many ways significantly, helps us look at stuff from different points of view such as the example provided below.

The following is from pastor Lee Woofenden.

About how to read the Bible:

Though the Bible is expressed in earthly stories and imagery, it is not a book of science and history. It is, rather, a book about moral and spiritual issues. It is therefore a basic mistake to read it as if it were a textbook on earthly subjects. That was never its purpose even when its original human authors wrote down these stories—most of which started out as stories passed down orally, and were only later written down. The early seers and prophets who composed the Scriptures were not scientists, nor were they philosophers. They were concerned with passing on moral and spiritual truth and understanding in a vivid and memorable form. The result was our Bible.

It is, once again, a fundamental mistake, made by fundamentalists everywhere, to read the Bible as if it were some sort of scientific and historical textbook. That’s simply not the purpose of the Bible. If, as we believe, the Bible is the Word of God, then its purpose is to convey spiritual truth of service to our spiritual life to eternity, not natural truth of use to our earthly life in the world. It is about how to be a good person, not about how the physical universe works.

Yes, there are still many commandments in the Bible that we are meant to literally obey, such as the commandments not to kill, commit adultery, steal, and bear false witness. But the real reason it is the Word of God is that it connects us directly to God and heaven through the deeper spiritual and divine meanings contained within the literal meaning. It’s not an authority-based view of the Bible, but an inspiration- and relationship-based view of the Bible.

For more detail on his beliefs on the bible:



That literally means nothing.

you found one pastor saying its meant to pass on moral and spiritual truths. I can find you millions others claiming its LITERALLY 100% correct and everything said happens.

Like those fundamentalists you disagree with, you rely on "faith"

A completely useless tool.

Amazing how that pastor and you know which parts to take literally! but others dont or are wrong!

This is "faith" in a nutshell. "I know cause I believe cause I think im right. I can prove why I just feel it"

Sorry but your post and link gives us no actual information or knowledge. just more "I have the proper reading of the bible others are wrong"


October 19, 2020 Monday 8:20 p.m. ET

One's own feelings should never be read into the bible. Such private interpretations from scripture have no oversight or the benefit of collective wisdom that is passed down through tradition.

Faith is not about feelings or feeling better. It is about the correct way to live.

Learning to understand others helps you understand more about yourself and what you stand for; troubleshooting, if you will, which the single example provided above is meant to do.

Personally I'm exploring, having been blessed sharing with others who are far more knowledgeable and grounded in their faith. We learn from each other.

Thank you for commenting and responding.



"One's own feelings should never be read into the bible"

So do the impossible? got it

"Such private interpretations from scripture have no oversight or the benefit of collective wisdom that is passed down through tradition."

And yet there are literally millions and millions of interpretations. Without even getting into the different version or translation you read.

You do know that Mary wasn't a virgin right? it was a mistranslation of young woman?

"Faith is not about feelings or feeling better. It is about the correct way to live"

Prove it! I can have faith unicorns exist. I can have faith universe farting fairies exist.

science actually tests things and demonstrated things and can improve. Faith can lead you to total nonsense. there is no way to verify it. Hence it is useless.

"earning to understand others helps you understand more about yourself and what you stand for; troubleshooting, if you will, which the single example provided above is meant to do."

I understand others without faith. im a human. I can relate to other humans.

"Personally I'm exploring, having been blessed with others who are far more knowledgeable and grounded in their faith. We learn from each other"

You haven't learned anything. you've learned peoples subjective interpretation of subjective interpretations of copies of copies of translations of copies of translations. and you've decided you single version is right.....


Humans are pattern seekers. we need what we want. No more true than seeing horses in clouds prove there's a horse god.

God could instantly flash into all of our minds. Give all humans the same message, and direct us to a magical website that has the "true versiON" of the bible or koran or whichever "book" truly had his word

instead we get a vague shape in a tree in Columbia?
