Needs to go

This arrogant, self-righteous, hypocritical, uneducated, science-denying, over-coiffed idiot needs to disappear, along with all his POS cronies, lackeys, and henchmen who are destroying California. I don't feel sorry for the fools who voted for these crooks, halfwits, and liars and their insane policies--they are getting what they deserve. But the minority who were too intelligent and rational to vote for them are getting screwed through no fault of our own. The left's domination is a tragedy from which California will probably never recover. Watch us, America--we are the cautionary state whose leaders are demonstrating the way to ruin everything.


I agree with you. It’s really sad that California is literally being destroyed right before our eyes.


Ca is doing great, what are you talking about?
Talk about people leaving is meaningless, who cares? And of those people a lot of them end up coming back because they find out Conservative morons in other states don't know what they are talking about or are criminal psychotics like Trump supporters.


Sounds like he has scary ideas.

Talk about elitist..


There's another petition to get him out. Funnily enough they need verified signatures. Not needed for a presidential election but needed to remove a POS Democrat. How strange. Anyway, the signature count is doing pretty well.


Vote Larry Elder

