Terrific Luke Evans performance in High-Rise
Parts of some reviews about Luke's performance as Wilder in High-Rise:
IGN - Terrific Luke Evans performance. Evans is a revelation as Wilder, stealing scenes with an over-the-top performance that perfectly matches the material.
We Got This Covered - It'd be wonderful to see Luke Evans awarded for his turn as Richard Wilder, who represents a catalyst for many of the film's antagonistic moments. Evans embraces the maddening chaos of High-Rise, and becomes a blood-drenched monster who is a martyr figure for the classes below. Everyone pays the same rent, yet his floor experiences normal power outages and noticeably lesser care – but this is only where it starts. Because of some flickering lights, Wilder becomes this untamed beast, believing that he can take anything he wants like his small-minded, Neanderthalic ancestors. Evans' presence is powerful, his stare is cold, and his anger seething, which makes for a tremendous performance unlike anything we've seen from the highly underrated actor.
We Are Movie Geeks - Who delivers a star-making performance is Luke Evans. His career has consisted of background or supporting characters, and although he plays another supporting character here, he finds a way to stand-out in a considerable way. His journey from the start of the film to the anarchic finale is more moving and tragic than any character in the film. It’s a character that you love to hate, but Evans gives it just enough humanity that Academy voters will be hard-pressed to avoid acknowledging.
ScreenInvasion - While this movie is billed a Tom Hiddleston movie, this is through and through Luke Evans’ movie. The man is a powerhouse as the slightly unhinged Wilder. He is charming as hell and the way he takes command of the room is impressive. He is one of the people that lives in the lower floors and so always has a chip on his shoulder and doesn’t want to obey the rules and becomes a source of trouble for the ever-crumbling society.
The Digital Fix - Luke Evans is an absolute revelation as Richard Wilder, a rakish documentary filmmaker who is hellbent on destroying his and everyone else's lives...or is he being truthful when he says he is trying to save them all? Whatever Wilder's motivations though, Evans gives a truly energised performance and is riveting in every moment, as well as completely terrifying in some others.
Officially Diva - The real stand-out, powerhouse and commanding performance is from Luke Evans. He's twisted, murderous and aggressive, but also charming and ambitious at the same time.
JoBlo - Evans is a destructive force of nature. Sporting mutton-chop sideburns, a pornstache and an imposing physique, he's the working man alpha male, with his permanently pregnant wife (Elisabeth Moss - adopting a convincing accent) staying home as he snorts blow and screws his way through the building.
PopWrapped - Despite Hiddleston being the lead in this film, essentially it really belongs to Luke Evans as Richard Wilder, notably in the second half. Here, as chaos reigns and the hierarchy of the building crumbles, he is intense, animalistic and at times, just down-right threatening as he leads the lower floor ‘revolution’ against Royal.
Firstshowing.net - The tension that comes from Evans' presence in every scene he's in is only matched in impressiveness by his amazing hair. Really some A-class flop-sweat here.
HitFix - As good as Hiddleston is, I think Luke Evans almost steals the movie from him, and it really does make me think Evans is a resource that has yet to be fully tapped by the right filmmaker.
Quiet Earth - Luke Evans, as Laing’s rowdy, macho neighbor Wilder, is definitely the biggest scene-chewer here. Wilder is the impulsive and ego-bruised braggart who stirs the pot of unrest in the story’s early chapters, but things quickly grow larger than he can control or comprehend. Evans does an excellent job of showing the self-doubt and helplessness of a man who has spent his whole life pretending to be a great deal more cocksure than he might have even wanted to be.
Wilson Reviews - Surrounded by sin, few characters prosper, and none like Wilder. The aptly-named character, played by Luke Evans is a shining light in a room lacking sunlight. His Damned United appearance aids his appeal in a magnetic and towering performance. Without his presence on screen the tension drops and the film’s many tangents feel strained.
Film and TV Now - It is Luke Evans who proves to be the biggest scene-stealer as Richard Wilder. He is a revelation. He gives the audience an over-the-top performance, which is entirely suited to his character. He plays a lower floor resident who starts an ascent that makes for a deliciously dark twisted take on class-hopping. His character is engrossing as he's murderous and repellent, but he's also aspirational and this lends a sense of order to the chaos.
Geek League of America - Evans is essentially Oliver Reed reincarnated, a brusque, confident, room-filling presence.
Audiences Everywhere - Luke Evans' Wilder is the standout of the supporting actors, and after a series of throwaway roles in disappointing movies, it's refreshing to see him let loose in the comfort of a good script and a talented director. Evans is full of rage and hurt pride, unable to restrain himself from escalating an already dangerous situation.
Loose Lips - While Tom Hiddleston is perfectly cast as Dr. Robert Laing, the standout performance of High-Rise is Luke Evans as his neighbour Richard Wilder. Evans is merciless as the rabid resident documentary filmmaker who is out for social justice. In spite of playing a man who acts in a most savage way, Evans brings empathy to his performance, somehow getting Dr. Laing and even the audience on side. Wilder is pivotal in the events of the high-rise breakdown and Evans' performance makes this film as beautiful and barbarous as it is.
Awards Circuit - The real scene-stealer in High-Rise is Luke Evans, an abusive misogynistic character you love to hate at first but his determination for a more respectable quest slowly grows on you. He's got the most developed and complex contradictions of the ensemble – a fighter and an artist, and a violator and a lover.
Sneak Peek TV - It becomes easy to forget that Luke Evans is under the guise of Wilder in this movie as he embodies the largely built man so well. The character is brash and destructive and it is his horrific act at a pool party that sets a chaotic class conflict in motion.
London City Nights - Also excellent is Luke Evans in a career best performance, brewing up a heady mix of rugby masculinity, fuzzy sideburns and testosterone.
Screen Crush - Leading the charge for the lower class is Richard Wilder, an aspiring documentarian portrayed by Luke Evans, who conveys such exquisite intensity that it’s as if Wheatley plucked him from a 40-year-old psychodrama.
IDigital Times - Just as Luke Evans' Wilder (who stands out as a lower-class crusader in thrall to his lower urges as much as his ideals) embraces class revolution as a vanity project High-Rise never feels like it needs to be politically astute to throws itself at the real world.
LA Times - Luke Evans gives a ferociously full-bodied performance as Wilder, a resident who finds his true self amid the madhouse atmosphere of the building's civilization in collapse.
The Realistic Optimist - The biggest and most pleasant surprise was Luke Evans as Richard Wilder. I had previously seen photos of him in character, but I didn’t realise just how much he had manage to transform himself. From haircut to attitude, from the way of speaking to his stare. Yes, Wilder is intense and pulls off some nasty things, however, Evans manages with that role to catch the attention on multiple occasions and is absolutely brilliant in it.
Three Brothers Film - Evans' Richard in particular is a conflicting character; he's both a lecherous bruiser and a lower-class crusader. Evans has a special talent for physically dominating the screen—he's a bit of an acting bulldozer—and he's High-Rise's most welcome surprise.
Letterboxd Review by John Lees - Luke Evans is also on career-best form as boorish bully Wilder, at some points monstrous and menacing, and at other points a sad, pathetic figure, a model of masculinity and humanity hopelessly out of place in this twisted new society.
Letterboxd Review by Robb J - Luke Evans is the real star of the show, plays a 70's hard-drinking mans man and is great - a hell of a performance.
Scannain - The cast’s MVP is Luke Evans, delivering a star turn as Wilder, a lower-dwelling resident and documentarian determined to investigate why the tower’s residents are turning on each other. It’s apt that Evans’ performance is the strongest here; his character is the one in search of the truth, but his eventual failure is also the failure of High-Rise.
Moviescramble - The cast is excellent with Luke Evans in a show stealing role as Richard Wilder. He has a twisted moral compass and like Laing, never seems to find his level within the building.
Starburst - Equally enjoyable is Luke Evans, as the increasingly erratic and hard partying alpha male Richard Wilder, who must surely be considered a co-lead.
To Euston - Surprisingly, the real show stealer is Luke Evans as Wilder. Evans in his recent, bid budget feature films in The Hobbit series and Dracula Untold was little more than perfunctory and functional. In High Rise, he shines with animalistic charisma as the, hard living, self-centred TV producer with the streak of a caveman in him. Evans, superbly demonstrates the real terror of the film; the ability to draw you in and identify with the characters despite their increasingly horrendous acts. No one seems more horrendous than Wilder, a cheating, violent, immature bully who somehow engenders a level of sympathy in his moments of reflection. Wilder is a man who detests how the high rise affects people and is affecting to him.
Horror Cult Films - Luke Evans as the brutish Wilder is great fun though. Dripping testosterone and intent on ripping apart flesh or concrete to make his point, this is undoubtedly the actor’s finest role to date. Wheatley commented in his post interview that they visioned Wilder as a brutish version of Oliver Reed.
Marko Orlic @marko_orlic
HIGH-RISE: Highly surprised, but amongst all-star cast, Luke Evans the clear standout. Like a budding Brando or De Niro on steroids. #TIFF15
Vee EVILlaughsy @lol_V
Luke Evans acts his ass off in HIGH RISE. Worth it just to see his exceptional talent. #FantasticFest
Nacho Gonzalo @LoQueYoTeDiga
#63SSIFF Jeremy Irons and Tom Hiddleston together again after "The Hollow Crown". Both impressive but Luke Evans eats them roasted.
no @JeremyMonjo
Luke Evans was goddamn ferocious. Did not know he had it in him. One of my favourite performances of the year.
Neil Young @JigsawLounge
reminder that Luke Evans is just phe-nom-e-na-lly good in Ben Wheatley's otherwise-dire HIGH RISE
Neil Young @JigsawLounge
@tpaleyfilm @GuyLodge Luke Evans is the principal saving grace here for me (and what a saving grace he is).
devin faraci @devincf
Luke Evans is the second coming of Oliver Reed (the actor, not my dog) in HIGH-RISE.
Ryan Turek @_RyanTurek
My favorite part of High-Rise and for this reason.
High Rise Movie Fans @HighRiseFans
I don’t think I can say enough about Luke Evans' portrayal as Wilder in #HighRise. He was fierce.
Preston Barta @PrestonBarta
Alright, so after seeing @TheRealLukevans' performance and sideburns in @HighRise_movie, I think he would make a killer Wolverine.
Peter S. Hall @PeterSHall
No one has rocked a haircut with more hurricane force in movies this year than Luke Evans in HIGH-RISE.
Peter S. Hall @PeterSHall
Realllly dug HIGH-RISE. Deliciously dry British satire. Great performances. Luke Evans has great energy and command. Hiddleston at his best.
Douglas Wicker @douglaswicker
@PeterSHall Holy *beep* I didn't realize that was Luke Evans. Damn. Now I'm further blown away.
High-Rise @HighRise_movie
Yes, that was @TheRealLukevans killing it. #IAmRichardWilder
Chris Ullrich @ChrisU
"High-Rise" is my fav @fantasticfest movie so far. Tom Hiddleston is great but I think Luke Evans steals the show.
Ed Travis @Ed_Travis
Luke Evans upped his game substantially in HIGH-RISE. Always liked him but this is on another level. Whole cast is spectacular.
Aren Bergstrom @ArenBergstrom
Very positive takeaway from HIGH-RISE: Luke Evans is becoming a cinematic bulldozer. He dominates the scenes he's in.
Jonathan Bannister @J_Utah
Seriously though High-Rise is a movie of and for the times. @TheRealLukevans is a force of nature.
María Garrido @Marsaliath
I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to see @HighRise_movie in #SSIFF. @TheRealLukevans kills it everytime he's on scene.
Robbie @RobbieBlank
You kind of stole the show in High Rise, @TheRealLukevans. Very good company, but man, you were perfect.
Ian Sandwell @ian_sandwell
Wheatley is aided by a cast that fearlessly delve into anarchy for him, with a ferocious Luke Evans the stand-out.
Spencer Everhart @SpencerEverhart
In any case, Luke Evans is a goddamn *presence* in that movie. Also: must know when Portishead's cover of "SOS" is dropping. World needs it.
Jesse Ferreras @jesseferreras
I will say: #highrise marks the best performance I’ve seen out of Luke Evans.
Loose Lips @Lips_Loose
It's Luke Evans performance that makes High-Rise as beautiful and barbarous as it is.
Little Miss Whatever @LMWhatev3r
#HighRise was a rollercoaster of a film! Great acting particularly from Luke Evans & excellent direction from @mr_wheatley
Duncan Wilson @_dunk
Also, Luke Evans: the Welsh Wolverine. You heard it here first. High Rise at the #LFF.
Jonathan Hatfull @JonathanHatfull
Have been unable to shake the image of Luke Evans' aggressive slo-mo to-camera dancing in High-Rise. So powerful.
Gabby @gabbycorsini03
The casting was perfect, and whilst Hiddleston was as amazing as I expected him to be, @TheRealLukevans stole it!
Matt Nettlefold @MattNettlefold
@TheRealLukevans amazing work in #HighRise somehow you managed to steal the show from such a strong cast. But *beep* me, you nailed it.
Cult Film Posters @cultfilmposters
Great to see @mr_wheatley's @HighRise_movie tonight a stand out performance from @TheRealLukevans
Wilson Reviews @WilsonReviews
#HighRise is really striking viewing. Hilarious and brutal in equal part, it gives Luke Evans real licence to impress.
Definitely worth going to see. Evans is especially amazing.
Jayson Green @thisjaygreen
"High-Rise" d. Ben Wheatley. Argento/Kubrick/Buñuel/Roeg but still his own. Plus Luke Evans is hot as hell. 4.5 Burgers with Cheese. #TIFF15
Sandy @Zzzzzandy
Brilliant film. Visually jarring in the best way and great performances all round. Luke Evans is extraordinary.
rockie juarez @RockieWarAntz
HIGH-RISE will knock people out. It will make you an ABBA fan (if you weren't already *beep* you) and Luke Evans will floor you.
Jesse Crap @jessecarp
Luke Evans is a beast in that flick.
Jesse Crap @jessecarp
Totally Luke Evans movie though. I'm excited for his Gaston!
filmic @filmic
Luke Evans is terrifying, I love it.
Jan Sif Davis @JanClearwater
Richard Wilder (Luke) scared the hell out of me. Brutal. Real. Fantastic movie!
Luke Evans is also spectacular, in full-on voracious, nearly feral scene-stealing mode as a wannabe documentarian turned anarchic piledriver behind the revolution.
Elliott Maguire @emsonline12
Special mention to Luke Evans, stealing scenes with an imposing animal of a role. The best I've seen of him.
Sarah Elizabeth @Sezskis24
#HighRise totally insane. Amazing cast - special mention to Luke Evans. He was awesome. liked the soundtrack too. Glad I read the book first!
Sarah Elizabeth @Sezskis24
Thought Luke Evans stole the show in my opinion! Loved that Abba track too
David Edwards @davidedwards_
Luke Evans was a real discovery for me. Captivating
Northern Loudmouth @Mike_Loudmouth
Nevertheless, he was the best thing in the film & there is alot of good in this film
雑煮【ZONY】 @zony_chan
I'll repeat endlessly @TheRealLukevans should receive the Oscar for his stunning #RichardWilder in #HighRise
To be honest, Luke’s performance on High-Rise blew me away. And considering this is coming from a certified life member of the Hiddlestoners, his performance is even better than Tom’s in this movie. I would seriously expect Luke to be up for a BAFTA for his role. His portrayal as Wilder is quite frankly terrifying and even worse; believeable.
I agree with @angryschnauzer fully. Luke was amazing and definitely stealed the whole show. I’m seriously surprised if he doesn’t get a BAFTA for his work.
I agree with @angryschnauzer completely - Luke Evans is absolutely brilliant. Too bad it’s not eligible this year.
Laura Cain @_lauracain
High Rise is an assault on the senses, brash and vivid. But I still don't know whether I like it. Luke Evans wonderfully vile in it though.
Raj @BisonDollah
Thoughts on @HighRise_movie, saw it at the @glasgowfilmfest last night. Amazing performance from @TheRealLukevans.
Brian Lloyd @BrianMLloyd
Final thoughts on High-Rise: Luke Evans - severely underrated actor. Reminded me of a young Oliver Reed, which I think was intentional.
Gav Murphy @cymrogav
Saw High-Rise last night & now convinced Luke Evans should be our new Wolverine if Jackman's really done with it...
Tom Nix @TheTomNix
These HIGH-RISE posters are kinda great. Y'all don't even know how much you're gonna love Luke Evans after this.
Jesse Crap @jessecarp
If we're talking 2017 Oscars (I don't know why we are but) Luke Evans for Best Supporting Actor. #HIGHRISE
Ononoe @jnthnbrlw
Luke Evans is really ace as Wilder in H-R.
Emily Sears @emily_dawn
I'm just going to tell you all right now that, outside of the Portishead song, @TheRealLukevans is the best part of @HighRise_movie.
Kaz @kazzani
Mesmerised by @TheRealLukevans portrayal of Wilder in #HighRise - brilliant!
Olivia G.A. Olsson @OliOlsson
Seeing @TheRealLukevans being violent & bloodied should not have been sexy.. His portrayal of Wilder was exceptionally masculine. #HighRise