Set to star in a horror movie written and directed by her parents (Kevin Bacon & Kyra Sedgwick).
I was wondering when we'd see Sosie again, she was great in Smile. It turns out her parents are gonna make a horror movie, with all three starring in it.
Good luck to the Bacon family.
a horror film she would star in with Bacon and their adult daughter, Sosie. The couple wants to co-direct the film, though the Directors Guild has other ideas.
“It’s very hard to get dual directing credit,” Sedgwick explains. “If you promise the DGA that you will only direct together for the rest of your lives, then they’re more inclined to do it. But if not, they won’t.”
She and Bacon have a deal — whoever does the prep work gets the credit. “We’ll figure it out,” she says with a flick of her hand. “But I’m very strategic. I wonder if more people will see this if it’s a Kevin Bacon film than a Kyra Sedgwick film?” share