MovieChat Forums > Paula Patton Discussion > why she don't just take him back?

why she don't just take him back?

really, why come? He seems pretty sorry about acting like a jackho. Seems like if they got back, he'd appreciate her even more. Unless of course she's been unhappy for years.

-- Sent from my 13 year old P.O.S. Desktop®


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If he will act the way he does when cameras are around, imagine how he acts when they're not there.

It's a relationship without trust and to me, that's not a relationship.

His career is dwindling and hers is only getting better. I'm glad she's ditched him and I'd be disappointed if she ever took him back


Because he blurred the line.


He revealed he was using drugs and drinking a lot... I imagine she doesn't want their child to think that's acceptable behavior. She deserves better.


She kind of left him when he needed her support the most. In sickness & health & all of that. You're not supposed to drop your spouse when they are sick or make a mistake. You possuh help them get better which will strengthen their union.

-- Sent from my 13 year old P.O.S. Desktop®


Yeah that's not how real life works. You don't set yourself on fire to keep somebody else warm.
