I'm sorry but I have to agree with the OP...
for one thing, he doesn't have an ounce of the presence/charisma David Tennant did. There's virtually no comparison, and I'd suspect most of the defenders are horny teen girls who squee over any awkward geeky guy with doofy hair and a british accent.
Nevermind the fact that he is unGODLY ugly. He is. He's downright unpleasant to even look at. When I first saw him on the show, I cringed.
And don't get me wrong - I am one who likes to give people a chance. At first I didn't like Tennant either - for about the first 5 minutes, and only because it was a change from Eccleston - but with Tennant it became clear very quickly - within the first episode he was on - that he was RIGHT for the part. He was perfect for it, in fact. So I can get past initial reservations if someone really is right for a part.
But this guy...no matter how many episodes in, is just WRONG for the role. He just is. You know how sometimes you just know in your gut that something is just off? Well, sorry for all the squealing girls who will rush to his defense (probably the same lot who are first in line for Twilight)...but it is just a misfire.
It's ok. It happens. Miscasts happen. This is just one of those times. It's not his fault. It just happens that he is not Dr. Who material. In my opinion. I realize that we are all privileged to our own opinions, so you may have yours.
Aaaaand....one more thing......fugly face aside, someone needs to buy that guy some eyebrows. I think that's what bothers me most about his face. It's like the part in Terminator when Arnold's brows got singed off and he looked all freaky. Just saying.