Marvel Villain

Does anyone else think Matt would be brilliant as a villain in a Marvel film? like Mysterio in an "Amazing Spider-man" sequel, or Dr. Doom in the "fantastic-four" reboot.


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I would love him as mysterio. I don't think he'd be very good as doctor doom. I mean I think he'd be good, but not that physically menacing like I think doom should be


I agree especially if it's a wisecracking superhero as I can see him being very good as being that type of character.


Maybe as Spymaster in a future Iron Man movie


I would love to see him in a Marvel movie. Christopher Eccleston, Jenna Louise Coleman, David Tennant, and Karen Gillian all did a Marvel movie.

If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now.-Loki (Marvel's Avengers)
