A Shot at Conspiracy Theories; The Downfall of Tila Tequila
Welcome to Dark Dives, a new series where we explore the murky and devious depths of humanity. This goes beyond corporate greed and get rich quick schemes, beyond shady products and questionable CEOs. Here, we take a look at the very worst of humanity, to see what evil people are truly capable of.share
In the beginning, Tila Tequila was famous for her bubbly personality, outlandish pride in her sexuality, and ability to make reality TV as entertaining as physically possible. Her rise to fame on the internet back in the myspace era has led many people to call her the first of the social media influencers. However, over the years her personality has changed, drastically. Now, she spends her days spreading outrageous conspiracy theories and writing disgusting and anti-Semitic blogs for the world to see. So, what happened?