MovieChat Forums > Andy Samberg Discussion > He would not be famous...

He would not be famous...

If he wasn't Jewish. Same goes for Seth Rogen. Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld are funny so I am not knocking on all Jews just untalented ones.


Ugh. Not another Hollywood Jew conspiracy theorist.


No, absolutely not. Jewish producers, actors and writers have given the world a great deal of fantastic art. If you read my post I gave you a few examples. I have a problem with nepotism and people because they are jewish getting gigs over more talented people. If that is a conspiracy then fine.


I read your post, and it's based on nothing. You feel they're not very talented, Samberg and Rogen, others like them a lot. Andy Samberg didn't get hired on SNL for being Jewish. It was because he auditioned and made them laugh.

Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld have people on their boards claiming they've only gotten where they are because they're Jewish. You see? Because they aren't fans of either of them. This has nothing to do with people being Jewish. You just have a preference of comedy style. Call it what it is, don't go around sounding like a fool making claims based on nothing more than your own opinion.


That was very thoughtful and reasonable. I do understand these forums are for opinions. I can't agree with anyone that thinks these guys are funnier than talent that does not get opportunities. I however do respect your right to have opinions different than myself. Of course that's an opinion also. Some people like anal sex, of course I disagree butt I have not tried it yet. Maybe Andy and Seth should try comedy and I will give that a try also.


Maybe Andy and Seth should try comedy and I will give that a try also

Fair enough.


funnier than talent that does not get opportunities
Who specifically?


There are 300 million americans so the other 299,999,998 people


There are 300 million americans so the other 299,999,998 people
Oh cool. Thanks for being so specific. So I guess this really is blind Jew bashing, on account of you're not defending any real person against the tyranny of your Jew nepotism. Just make believe people that may exist... For all you know those people you think are being turned away are not being turned away. And, alternatively, the ones you think deserve as much of a chance to shine get that chance and turn out to be not very likeable.

Your opinion is based on nothing, and until it is your post and opinion on the matter is stupid.
