Boardwalk Empire?

Is he still on? With Jimmy (and wife) dead, I guess there's not much left for him.


There's no way they can drop such an interesting character.


Yes, he's still on. I'm really interested to see what they'll do with his character this season. To be honest with you, once they killed Jimmy I was really upset. Of course because I find Jimmy to be an interesting character but also because that bond that he and Richard shared was one of the best I've seen on screen and I would have liked that to be explored a little more. Now with Jimmy and Angela being gone, who does Richard have that he can trust? Hopefully, they don't relegate him to the background or give him a brief scene here and there like they did last season. I'd like to see him get a bigger storyline...I know there are a lot of other fans of that character who feel the same.


Ooooops! I'm still on season two, but just wanted to say that I think Houston does an amazing job with his role on BW. I hope his character remains in the series.
