MovieChat Forums > Chloë Grace Moretz Discussion > The Family Guy meme hit her hard

The Family Guy meme hit her hard

Much like when South Park lampooned Harry & Meghan, turning their narcissistic "privacy tour" into a joke from which they have not recovered, it seems Chloë Grace Moretz has not come back from this meme.

What all three have in common is the public trashing/ghosting of their fathers.


I'm not sure how much weaker society can become?
Then again, the dropping measures of things never fail to surprise me.

Triggered and offended by everything.... ZERO backbone for ANYTHING...

are we DE-evoloving back into spineless amoeba? "I can't deal with LIVING and need therapy 24/7!!" --- yeah... because you're doing it wrong. How can people NOT see this?


Oh no! Someone drew a cartoon of me! I think I am scarred for life. I'm going to need around the clock counselling and mental health supports now for the rest of my life. I won't be going outside without my servants picking up everything for me.


If that’s the worst thing that happens to her, she’s led a pretty good life.

You can’t be in an industry where you’re entire life is in the public eye and let crap like that bother you.

Maybe she should become a recluse if she isn’t tough enough.


I think it is just considered hip right now (and more free publicity) to be triggered by anything and bring it up as mental health issues


Yes, when it should be considered a badge of honor that you get jokes about you on a show like Family Guy/South Park/Simpsons/etc.




exactly. if famil guy did a JOKE about me, even a "mean" one, I'd probably laugh and feel loved and honored too. :D


I am a straight female and not quite sure why I am here. But, I did a shallow dive into CGM and it rather seems like her "announcements" coincide with positive accomplishments of Florence Pugh.

Also, I saw that she is pitching a TV show called Coming Out and is the executive producer. She had a PDA girlfriend back in 2016 so this big proclamation is not new. Her statement included an endorsement of Kamala Harris. (extra media coverage guaranteed) It seems no accident that it was the same day that We Live In Time began getting Oscar buzz.

I have as much business here as that old movie Best In Show in which Fred Willard found himself being a judge with no knowledge of canines. ;D




Family guy joke.....okay, but is the joke aimed at her?

Is the gag directed at her, or is it a random character?


It’s just a random character that has nothing to do with her.


I’m not sure how an edited photo gives you body dismorphia.


I agree. It does, however, give one an opportunity to get attention as one of the new "cool bully victims."


Oh aye, you're the witch of Donen Woods, aren't ye? Can turn yourself into a wolf, you can!


'Twas a white wolf, young Duncan. Remember always the prophecy and ye shall keep thy head.


"I'm sorry, were ye saying something, Cassandra? All I can focus on is dem sweet tiddies!"


I think we should organise a Gofundme for her, poor thing.
