Statutory rape.

Why is everyone turning a blind eye to the fact that shes banging a 17 year old? If it were the other way around and it were a famous male actor with a 17 year old female everyone would be outraged.


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I'm pretty sure she's keeping her legs locked until they get married. Then Brooklyn Beckham will be known as Mr. Chloe Moretz-Beckham.


Looks like they broke up. She probably realized what she was doing was wrong and broke it off before she gets herself thrown in jail.


I wonder why she broke up with him. Did he say something bad about her brothers? LOL. I would. Her brothers are freaks. And NOT because they're gay, but because they're A-holes.


Word is he dumped her.


Word is he dumped her.
Maybe it was a mutual break up then. She was too old for him anyway, and plus, he lives in England and she lives in Los Angeles. If he were 18, he could've moved out here and they wouldn't have needed a long distance relationship. That was the big issue. Despite being across the pond, Chloe still wanted more of a commitment from him. Dating a 17-year-old. Chloe is a cougar in the making. Oh well, now Brooklyn can find himself a REAL girlfriend who will like him for who he is.


Oh, and he dumped her because she wouldn't leave him alone! She became very clingy. Static-Cling Moretz is who she was. Probably couldn't get that crazy bitch to leave him alone.

Running around with an underage boy. She really does have the mind of a child. But I guess MTV and E! are taking this the hardest, because they wanted to do a reality show about Brooklyn and Chloe. No joke! They really did. Guess that ship has sailed.


Age of consent is 16 in the UK anyway.

Nothing to see here, move along
