Not yet 20???

I just watched "If I Stay" (if you haven't, don't, bad movie) and came to IMDB to see what others had to say about it, then clicked over here to see if it looked like CGM was ever going to be in anything good and saw a lot of people talking smack about her (typical at IMDB, I know) and then reading that she's taking a little time off.

Then I noticed her birthday.

Mostly I was wondering why she's still playing teenagers, not realizing that she actually is a teenager.

So a couple of things:

First, maybe everyone could give her a break until she's at least old enough to buy a beer. Thinking back to myself at 19, well...I bear little resemblence to that person today.

Second, how many good roles are there every year for teenagers? How many for teenage girls? I think she's smart to take a bit of time off until she can play older. There still aren't that many really good roles for women, but her chances improve. (Actually, "Let Me In" wasn't bad, but totally pointless since the original was so good.)

I know it seems like she's been around forever, but I'm interested to see what she's done at the ripe old age of 23. She's got time. Lots of it.


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I agree that she is too young to write her career off and her taking a break is fine. I don't take anyone seriously who say that her career is over. Give her a 10-12 years and then see where she is at.

The reason I think silly people say that her career is over is because she was being pushed so hard by her people and the media as the next big actress before her time. She's a child actress turned teen actress, she wasn't going to get the great roles so pushing her the way that everyone did was stupid. I don't blame her, I blame her people.


She's only 19.
In 5 years from now, she will be better than Scarlett Johansson.


She's in a tough spot, I think. Personally, I think she should probably do a couple smaller, indy films, soemthing a little different than what she's been doing. The problem is, she's a leading actress and I doubt she wants to lower her quote, and I can't blame her for that. Still, when I look at someone like Elle Fanning, I can't help but think that her career path is on a better trajectory right now (also, she's kind of an amazing actor, which doesn't hurt).

Right now I can see CGM having a career like Meg Ryan's. She could probably drift pretty easily into light comedies and do well for herself. She's very likable on screen and can be goofy/adorable when she wants to, and that's a perfectly respectable career to have. For some reason, though, it seems that a lot of pressure was put on her very early. Sadly, she's had a string of not very good movies, but I can't really blame her for that. Even "Carrie," which is really bad, I can't say that it was her fault (though I think she's far too pretty for that role). Same with "If I Stay." She was fine in it, but that movie wasn't put together well at all, and that's the director's fault. (Seriously, it was like every time the film started to pick up emotionally they stopped everything for another musical interlude. Maybe that was the screenplay, but ultimately the director decides what's on the screen.)

We'll see what happens. I'm rooting for her. Maybe she doesn't have the gravitas to be a serious dramatic actor. It's too early to tell. Maybe a role in a limited TV show, something on HBO perhaps, where the entire project isn't hanging around her neck is what she needs in the next couple of years. I'm curious to see how it turns out.


She isn't interested ONLY in lead roles... for example, Sils Maria.


If Chloe is ever going to improve, she needs to make better decisions. She needs to STOP letting her mother and her brother make career choices for her. Chloe needs to start taking some initiative for herself, and surround herself by people who actually know the business, NOT her family. They know NOTHING about it. Until she 'cuts the cord', she's doomed to let those fools lead her astray.


Honestly I think that Katherine Heigl's mother being her manager is why her career got jacked up so quickly. Moretz needs to put on her big girl pants and tell her family to just be her family before it's too late.


But Chloe is far too incompetent to make such a decision.
