12 million followers
And she had the GALL to say she "loves" us. What a crock. She really does think her fans are dumber than mud. She does NOT love her fans. She doesn't give a single crap about her fans. She's a conniving, two-faced liar.
Do everybody a favour and off yourself, you demented, fat *beep*
shareShe does care about her fans. Maybe her suspecting correctly that you are a deranged retard prompted her not to respond to your sad little sign.
shareShe does care about her fans.
I've seen NO evidence to support that, apart from a few random instances of her just responding to a few random tweets and choosing some really stupid film projects with the prospect that her fans will pay to see it, no matter how horrible the movie is (Kick-Ass 2). That's IT. If she REALLY cared about her fans, she would make more of an effort to connect with them. Mostly, though, she just uses her Twitter to shill for over-priced beauty products or retweet anything about HER. She does NOT care about her fans. If she says she does, she is a LIAR.
Maybe her suspecting correctly that you are a deranged retard prompted her not to respond to your sad little sign.
And look what she did to me as a result.
"by ExplorerDS6789 » 2 days ago (Sun Dec 11 2016 23:35:34)
And she had the GALL to say she "loves" us. What a crock. She really does think her fans are dumber than mud. She does NOT love her fans. She doesn't give a single crap about her fans. She's a conniving, two-faced liar."
Dude, she's not going to F you no matter how much you talk crap about her.
Dude, she's not going to F you no matter how much you talk crap about her.
But she can't stop me from fantasizing about it. LOL.
^ This is the *beep* who clutters up the board with posts about how ugly she is.