I mean, we know the only reason she made 5th Wave was so she could carry a gun and be a killer again.That is not why Chlomo chose The 5th Wave. She stated years ago that she wanted to be an action heroine. Also she picked the role because she's so desperate to be attached to a franchise (any franchise) since losing out on The Force Awakens. She's trying to establish herself à la Jennifer Lawrence in The Hunger Games. Which is also why she opted for Neighbors 2, a sequel to a surprise hit comedy which could have potentially become a franchise like The Hangover. But disappointing returns have diminished that outcome, the same is probably true for The 5th Wave as well since it tanked in the US.
Had The 5th Wave been a hit, she'd be able to demand higher salaries for the sequels putting her at A-list status, granting her more mobility to pick and choose as she pleases, allowing her to grow as an actress in the industry. But it's just not working out. She's simply not a box office draw, in fact, she's kinda poisonous. I frankly don't get how she has a net worth of $12 million (if it's accurate) when her movies tank. How can she command these salaries??
Religion should be made fun of. If I believed that stuff, I'd keep it to myself. -Larry David