MovieChat Forums > Meghan Markle Discussion > Will you be watching the Wedding on Satu...

Will you be watching the Wedding on Saturday?

I plan to. Anyone else?


Not clear how to watch it online. Will there be a youtube live stream?

In Canada, site, in UK BBC iplayer. Not sure if US stations require log in. In cinemas too.

Everything about the wedding, except where to watch it:


i'm going to take my chances with ABC and try hanging in there all Friday night and into Saturday morning. I have no place in particular to go.


This wedding will be well covered. I doubt you'll have any problem getting it live on YouTube.


I don't really care to see it but the endless grievance she'll bring to the royal family will be fun to see.


What sort of grievances do you predict?


well her family has already caused quite a ruckus, I am sure it will only get worse.


Oh, I have heard about the problems with her dad and all that nonsense with the photos.
Id say that Harry has quite the future in-laws, but then again, she has quite a great deal on his side to contend with in the future.
She and her clan may really shake things up though.

All in all, I'm looking forward to watching.


Possibly. I have a lot of trouble sleeping.


Me too! 😴
Oops! you caught me!


It will be worth it to see what Uncle Andy's daughters wear !


Ah yes! I remember the hats at William's and Kate's wedding!
As with so many of my friends, and everyone else for that matter, I'm curious about the wedding dress.
I loved Kate's. It suited her.


It did and a million times nicer than Diana's crumpled mess😵


Poor Diana! That disaster of a dress should have been an omen of what the rest of that marriage would be like!


Of all the royal weddings I've seen in my life, the only dress I ever really liked was Fergie's of all people! Shows you how much a good dress matters to a marriage, and no, I didn't like Kate's much, at least from the waist up.

I did stay up all night to watch the weddings in the 80s, but then I was friends with a bit royalty fan and she'd hold parties. No reason to now, I can always see the dress when I get up in the morning, it'll dominate the world media for a day.


I'll have to check out Fergie's again. I'm afraid that I need to refresh my memory. It is no doubt better than Diana's.


Yeah I was planning to watch it but then I remembered that I would rather sit and watch grass grow, so I will be going out to my local field on Saturday....


There ya go! Whatever puts a smile on your face!


Fuck no.


Simple and direct. Works for me....


I won’t watch the wedding but if it prevents war between the Uk & US I guess that’s a good thing.




Mrs How and her sister are planning on getting up early and making a big breakfast.


Ha Cha Cha!!!!!!
Will they be dressing, or is their's a casual affair?


Absolutely. I try to watch all the royal weddings. I like the pomp and ceremony, fashion, famous guests, history and culture lesson and travelogue. And those funny hats!


Finally!!!! A person after my own heart! I enjoy all of those things. I also refuse to apologize for it!


I revel in it! I watched three Swedish royal weddings and then ran out of siblings. I couldn't understand a word, but it was very visual and fun anyway. One time, they even showed the banquet. Luxembourg, Monaco, and even Charles nuptials to Camilla. I'm looking forward to Princess Beatrice's wedding in the Fall, too.


You put me to shame! I haven't seen nearly as many as you have.


I luck out once every year or two by finding a royal wedding after a google search. They usually show them live on a foreign website and later upload it on youtube for later viewing. It's a nice way to kill half a Saturday.

I just noticed that one of the weddings I watched live lasted 8 1/2 hours. LOL.


I'd love to check out Charles and Camila's!


I saw part of that wedding live by accident. I was surfing and there they were getting married. I thought the ceremony was very understated.

I couldn't find a complete wedding video for them.

The second link is in 8 parts on the right side of the screen. Part 1 is queued to play. Enjoy!

Civil ceremony:

Church wedding:

Checkout the first 2 minutes of this wedding video. Picturesque in a Disney way. 407,053 views!


Thank you!!!!
I like the ceremony at St. George Chapel. I love her outfit.... especially her hat.
That was nice.... the whole thing. I'm happy for them.


You're welcome. I just added another link at the bottom of my previous post. The very definition of a fairy tale wedding.


My goodness! A wall of flowers! That is what really caught my attention, although the bride was lovely.
I just can't get over all of those flowers! The scents must have been heavenly!
Thanks for all of the links!


You're welcome. The flowers were beautiful. There was even a large bouquet on the commentators' table. And they were able to enjoy the wedding cake, too!
