MovieChat Forums > Olivia Munn Discussion > Personality clash at Comic Con?

Personality clash at Comic Con?

I was recently watching the X-Men: Apocalypse SDCC panel and felt like there was an uncomfortable personality clash between her and some of the main cast. Notably, she made a joke about being able to "deep throat a hot dog" that seemed to go down terribly. Her fellow panel members (esp. Oscar Isaac, who was sitting beside her) looked less than impressed… and after some verbal diarrhoea, her body language looked awkward, closed off and peeved altogether.

I've always found Munn's personality to be pretty charming (in an awkward sort of way), but the SDCC footage seemed a little left-field. Same thing happened during her X-Men cast stint on Conan, where she talks about "popping the crotch" of her costume: i.e. her cast members hardly laughed.

You can watch the SDCC moment here (skip to around 21:10):

Maybe I'm reading too much into this. Thoughts?


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Completely agree… I'm pretty impartial when it comes to Munn (more on the "like" end of the spectrum), but her recent slew of X-Men panel and interview appearances have been a little awkward. I assume she either doesn't gel well with the cast, or her nerves are getting the better of her.

Some context: For the record, James McAvoy apparently imitated deep-throating the microphone after her comment, which is why there was a lot of chatter/laughter going on on the left end of the panel after her comments. Apparently Singer was explaining what happened to Lawrence, Fassbender and Isaac. It probably wasn't on form for the cast members to be chatting away through each others responses (not really professional)… but hopefully gives viewers some context into what was going. I assume Munn interpreted it the wrong way, and assumed they were laughing at her.


I saw the Conan video where she explains how she gets into the skintight costume and felt that she was trying too hard to be funny but came off as embarrassing. Same goes with a clip of her on the Craig Ferguson show where she said something like 'It's not cheating if it's in the a$$'. She thought it was funny but it probably didn't come along that way.


Sounds like McAvoy was making a little "in-joke" about how she may have gotten the job and from the reaction of others, doesn't sound professional at all. Munn already seems riddled with nervousness as it is.

Death is the standard breach for a complex prize.


It looks like she tries too hard in all of her interviews. I don't know if she's trying to be funny or risque, but it's embarrassing. Almost to the point of pathetic.


They simply didn't get the reference obviously and we're asking each other what it meant.
