Bindi forehead wart

They keep trying to cover it up with make up, but it's so distracting. I wonder if she ever considered getting it removed. Rachel Nichols has a wart on her eye lid which she has commented on as not something she feels the need to remove. It's distracting too, but not as noticeable as Adrianne's bindi wart.


Rachel Nichols had it removed. She talked about it on some talk show. It's such an easy and painless procedure you wonder what the resistance is.


I guess she prefers make-up artists spending an hour covering it up with foundation.


When she's on screen that's all I can focus on and it bothers the hell out of me.
When she's fighting on AOS all I imagine is a giant mole with batons !

The 21st century is when it all changes


Yes! Exactly!


I thought it was a tick.
