MovieChat Forums > Emily Ratajkowski Discussion > Is her 15min over yet?

Is her 15min over yet?

the music video was cool and all but it was way overblown.


Not yet, she is still cleaning my apartment...



Nude, I assume.


Not yet. She's still out there.


Pretty much, she's now in the stage of been more famous for her Instagram and her shown up on red carpets in the barely any clothing. The fact she got this far just for dancing half naked in a music video is mind blowing to me. But Yeah her time of trying to be a Hollywood actress is over with.


seems her road is the road of most girls in hollywood nowadays sadly. they just don't have talent anymore. it used to be to get famous, you'd have to have a skill, talent or else you'd be famous for just 1 year as a gimmick person. nowadays girls get famous off of just how they look, it's disgusting, but it has to be this way because everyone has a reality show now. this world sucks.


that's a joke her being an actress. i mean, here's the thing these wannabe actresses don't know: you can't just read lines listlessly and flatly and look good in a movie and be an actress. there's a really good reason why models rarely ever, and i mean 1% of the time make it as actors. they don't put in the time to learn how to act.


I'm surprised what a beating her looks have taken since blurred lines. She looks like she's developed Anorexia and it's affected her face. Not to mention that weird looking ''surgical line'' in her stomach is freaky. It could just be from overexercise but it looks like she's been cut. in 2013 she was near perfect looking, a flawless beauty.


Yeah, she really looked rough in some scenes in 'Welcome Home'. I'm sure she'll fade out once she hits 30 or so...


I just don't know what she was thinking losing about 20 more pounds and getting lip injections. If she would have kept the look she had even today she would have looked just as good.


You were always a little bitch, Kelly. So glad you and your envious ass are gone.


she was so magically beautiful a few years ago that i'd go as far as saying she might have been the most beautiful girl who has ever lived. sadly, she now has a defect to her face and doesn't look as young as she used to. so, she's not perfect looking anymore.


did you watch that video? if you did then you'd know she should be famous. i mean, how many music videos have had boobs in it? and she's so mind blowingly beautiful and explosively and breath takingly hot in that video that she should be famous for that video. that video really was ground breaking as far as how beautiful and how hot she was and the way the video presented her. so, she earned her fame.


Dude your posts are nuts tonight.



I never understood the fascination.


she still hangin' around


Where? Haven't seen her since the hype caused by the music video topless appearance.


In my bedroom. Tired of bangin' her to be honest.


send her to JFLeg ; )


yes, she is desperate for attention now
