Loved her in the Supernatural Season 6 Finale
Please come back for Season 7.
P eople for the
E thical
T reament of
A ishwarya
Please come back for Season 7.
P eople for the
E thical
T reament of
A ishwarya
Yes, she was great in that role, even if it wasn't very big.
Only problem is they'd have to bring her back as a different character since her character was killed by Sam when he had no soul. Unless they brought her back as a demon(which isn't probable itself since her body would probably be rotting already), it would be quite improbable. Most fans don't take well to the same person being cast in 2 completely different roles when they look exactly the same as the other person they played. I don't mind, but I know some people do.
Minds are like books, they only function when open.
Loved her as well. She was very gorgeous and wonderful as always. Great actress. It would definitely be awesome if they could bring her back somehow in Season 7
"I'm just a happy camper! Rockin' and a-rollin'!" - Patrick Bateman, American Psycho